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水货 smuggled goods

水墨画 Chinese brush drawing; ink and wash painting

水土流失 soil erosion

水下导弹 submarine-based missiles

水涨船高 When the river rises, the boat floats high.

税法的统一性和权威性 uniformity and authority of tax laws

税前/税后收入 pretax / after-tax income

税务师 tax accountant

说曹操,曹操到 Talk of the devil and he comes.

说明会 explanation session

说起来容易做起来难 Easier said than done.

硕博联读 a continuous academic project that involves postgraduate and doctoral study

司仪 MC (master of ceremonies)

私人企业 private enterprise

私人游资 mobile private capital

私营企业 privately-run enterprise

思乡曲 思想僵铁 fossilized concept

死而后已 until my heart stops beating

死机 system halted

死亡率 mortality

死亡人数 death toll

死帐 uncollectible account, bad debt, bad loan

四大金刚 Four Heavenly Guardians at the entrance to a Buddhism temple; Four Devarajas

四个现代化 four modernizations (the modernization of agriculture, industry, national defense, and science and technology)

四合院 courtyard dwellilngs; quadrangle dwellings

四十不惑 Life begins at forty.

四书(《大学》、《中庸》、《论语》、《孟子》) The Four Books (The Great Learning, The Doctrine of the Mean, The Analects of Confucius, The Mencius)

四项基本原则 "the Four Cardinal Principles of adherence to the socialist road, the people's democratic dictatorship, the leadership of the Communist Party of China, and Marxism-Leninism and Mao Zedong Thought"

四有新人 送温暖工程 heart-warming project

搜索引擎(计算机) search engine

夙敌 "arch-rival

素质教育 quality education; education for all-around development

酸雨 acid rain

随行就市 prices fluctuating in response to market conditions

岁岁平安 Peace all year round

所得税 income tax

所有权经营权分离 separate ownership from managerial authority