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Exercise Six (2001.11)


Briefings From Top Management


0 the concept of a briefing is that so a checklist of information is generated


00 regularly and used as a starting-point for a presentation by a senior manager


41 to the workforce. Obviously, in a big organization this involves with dividing


42 the workforce into manageable groups – probably not exceeding fifty. If


43 the senior manager be concerned can see all the groups, there is a considerable


44 advantage because the same message should be given up to each group.


45 furthermore, if that questions and comments are encouraged, each presentation


46 should benefit from the experience of the ones before. This is because


47 questions common to more than one group which can be discussed. Indeed,


48 the fact is that only if such as briefings generate feedback and questions will


49 they to be really effective. The problem with this method is that it requires


50 a time commitment from a senior manager. However, even it can be argued


     that the benefits are much more important that the costs.


