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BEC商务英语辅导 我该为钱跳槽吗

  TheProblem 问题
  I do interesting, rewarding work at a tiny specialisedconsultancy. I like the hours and the people, but the pay is measly. I've beentold I can rewrite my job description, although it wouldn't mean much moremoney. Instead, I could go for a bog-standard analyst position with a bank, withlonger hours, but increase my salary by at least 50 per cent. What should Ido?
  If I were you I'd stay put. The trouble is that I'm not you,but even taking that into account I'd urge you to stay putanyway.
  Thereare two snags for you in analysing whether to move. You don't know how importantjob satisfaction is to you until you try living without it, and neither do youknow how good or bad a new job might be. To move is to take a risk and for it tobe wise, the odds must becompelling.
  Atabout your age I did the same thing in reverse. I was earning a lot of money inthe City, hated the job and spent much of my time crying in the loo. I swappedthis for an uncertain job on a magazine on less than half the salary. Because mystarting-point was so dismal, I reasoned the new position would be better. Itwas:much.
  Ifyou are so poor that you can't afford to eat and pay the rent, or if the absenceof skiing holidays has become unbearable, you need to move. But if you are in agreyer area, wishing you had more money but prepared to struggle on, movinglooks too risky. Think how lovely your current job is. You have nice colleagues,good hours, interesting work - you can even write your own job description. At aguess, I'd put you in the top 0.1 per cent of the population in terms of jobsatisfaction. By contrast, I know a few happy City analysts and quite a lot ofmiserable ones. To run the risk of being in the latter group for only 50 percent more money doesn't seem like a good deal atall.
  Ofcourse, the ideal position is to have money and satisfaction. You are only 26;you have many years in which to achieve both. In time, can you earn more whereyou are? Can you supplement your income with something else? Even if you can't,you should move only when your need for more money has become intolerable. Thatpoint could come if or when you have a pram in the hall - although if you havemanaged to marry someone with a handsome income, that will solve all problems atone happystroke.