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找出与中括号内单词意义相近的单词. 1. a [bunch] of flowers
a.field b.sum c.bundle d.file

2. major [characteristics] of the animal
a.features b.realms c.knots d.testimonies

3. to [deny] one's offer
a.preach b.reject c.curse d.accept

4. a [dull] color
a.keen b.ghastly c.horrible d.dim

5. to make every [endeavor]
a.effort b.evidenc c.incident d.skill

6. the [faded] flowers
a.rubbed b.vanished c.uttered d.withered

7. a limited [range] of ideas
a.charm b.scope c.snare d.aim

8. to [devise] a machine
a.bend b.hire c.invent d.repair

9. a certificate of [merit]
a.worth b.ceremony c.summit d.commerce

10. a peace [treaty]
a.tesimony b.agreement c.trade d.peasant