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Part Two. Questions 13-22.
Section One. Questions 13-17.

Question Thirteen
It is said in the newspaper that the temperature will be in the mid-eighties Fahrenheit in the east today. No rain is expected ,and the forecast says the temperature won't go below seventy-five for the next week or so.

Question Fourteen
It uses lighter material in the body and frame. It adopts a new kind of carburetor which cuts down on petrol consumption. That will save your money. The steering and brakes are powerful. You can take a test drive and see how it runs.

Question Fifteen
This looks funny, but I don't know if it has the same sense of humour as me. This
second one is pretty ,but it doesn't have any of my personality or taste in it. Oh ,I like this one. The design is attractive and the message is warm and friendly.

Question Sixteen
I started with some game shows this morning. I answered almost all the questions
correctly. At 11 : 30 1 switched to the cable channel and the film was so boring that I changed to Channel 5. That's Animal World. But I was so tired that I fell asleep.

Question Seventeen
There was a big box like piece of furniture with lots of long drawers that had cards inside. Each card represents a different book. These cards are all arranged in alphabetical order. If you know the name of the book, the name of the author, or the subject ,you'll be able to find the book you need.

Section Two. Questions 18-22.
Question Eighteen
I've been driving for about six years now. It's a good job. I meet different, interesting people. Most months the business is good. My office is the wheels instead of in high buildings. I like my job very much.

Question Nineteen
Have you any identification which shows your address. I need to see something that verifies that you are a resident of our country. And please fill out this card. In a week, you'll receive a new library card.

Question Twenty
If you put your money in long-term bonds or securities ,you know what the interest is going to be. It's usually a safe way to invest. If you invest in the stock market ,you may make a big profit when the price goes up. But none of us really knows what's going to. happen in the market.

Question Twenty-one
Welcome to Flight 721. We'll depart for Paris and will arrive at 2:32 pm. local time. We'll be flying at an altitude of thirty-five thousand feet, so please fasten your seat belts. Our stewardesses will come around to help you.

Question Twenty-two
After four days of talks in Tokyo ,American and Japanese negotiators have agreed on a proposal for balanced trade in modern technology products. Only after the approvals of the Japanese and American governments will the proposal take effect.