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  Hi Frida, It's Sue Mellor How are you? I hope you're not too busy at the
  moment. I wanted to talk to you about my visit next month You know
  we'd talked about the 13th? Well, I'm afraid it's not going to work out
  because of deadlines here. I don't suppose we could put it back a week or
  so, could we? Give me a ring and let me know Thanks.

  Hi Frida It's Cohn. I'm on my mobile because I'm travelling to a meeting
  with a client but I need to talk to you urgently so could you calme on
  0486 772 444? It's my mobile number I need to talk to you about that
  contract we're trying to get in Helsinki because the customer accepted our
  proposaand I need to know whether it's alright iljust go ahead and
  sign the contracts or whether you want to get involved, as welCould you
  get back to me asap? Thanks

  Hello Frida. It's Steve Montgomery hero I got your proposafor the
  product launch and I've finally managed to get a look at it It looks OK,
  but I think there could stilbe one or two minor problems with it, think
  the time schedule looks a bit on the optimistic side, as well, I've got a
  couple of suggestions, which I'lget off to you today, Let me know what you
  think, OK? Bye.

  ③Work in pairs.

  Student A: Look at the Activity sheet .
  You work in the Sales Department of your company's Warsaw office. There is a calfor Hanna Kwasniewski, the Head of Centra European Sales. Hanna is away on business today. Take a message.

  Student B: Look at the Activity sheet.
  You have an appointment with Colette Contart of Socoteon 8 July at 14.00 in Paris. Telephone her to:
  say you are unable to keep the appointment
  apologise and explain why you have to postpone the meeting
   suggest a new date.