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   Listening 1
   Frida Andersson, a manager at Sanderin AB in Stockhom, receives five voice mais isten and decide what each speaker is trying to do.
   1 ...... A make a compaint
   2 ...... B request some information
   3 ...... C change an arrangement
         D decine an offer
   4 ...... E give feedback
   5 ...... F confirm arrangements
         G make an offer
         M ask for permission
   Which of the cas do you find difficut to understand? Why?
   Dont't forget
   eaving answering machine messages
   When we eave messages, it is important to be very cean
   Prepare the istener for the message
   This is Frank arsen from Scandinavian Conferences.
   It's 9.30 on Wednesday morning.
   I'm ringing about the saes report.
   Make requests simpe and poite
   Coud you send me the report, pease?
   Coud you pease came back?
   Give cear contact information
   I'm in Hesinki untiFriday
   My teephone number is 346 766.