




1.(误)In my opinion, I believe the free medical system is in need of reform.

(正)In my opinion, the free medical system is in need of reform.

2.(误)In general, young people in these days tend to remain single.

(正)Young people in these days tend to remain single.

【说明】in my opinion和I believe的意思相同,in general和tend to的意思也很相近,完全可以删去一个。


中式英语(Chinese English)在学生作文中相当普遍。许多学生习惯于按照中文的表达习惯来组织句子,表达思想,有时甚至丢掉了英语语法的概念。

1.(误)Some natural resources such as oil and coal will be used up after 50 years.

(正)Some natural resources such as oil and coal will be used up in 50 years.

2.(误)After four years, they graduated from the university.

(正)Four years later, they graduated from the university.



(误)My level of English has thus been improved.

(正)My English has thus improved.