

1. We should make a clear _____ between the two scientific terms for the purpose of our discussion. 
A. distinction B. discrimination C. deviation D. separation
2. Rumors are everywhere, spreading fear, damaging reputations, and turning calm situations into ______ ones.
A. tragic B. turbulent C. vulnerable D. suspicious
3. I was deeply impressed by the hostess' ________ and enjoyed the dinner party very much.
A.hostility B. indignation C. hospitality D. humanity
4. All imaginative _______ is a reflection of the real world.
A. invention B. creation C. discovery D. illusion
5. Two discussions from different points of view may ______ each other.
A. complexion B. compliment C. appendix D. complement
6. Now a paper in Science argues that organic chemicals in the rock come mostly from ______ on earth rather than on Mars.
A. configuration B. constitution C. condemnation D. contamination
[CET-6, 2000, 6]
7. The library has a vital role in our search for knowledge. It serves as a workshop for the entire college or university, students and ______ alike.
A. executives B. faculty C. crew D. staffs
8. In general, matters which lie entirely within state borders are the ______ concern of state government.
A. extinct B. excluding C. excessive D. exclusive
[CET-6, 1997, 1]
9. The old sailor had never studied navigation, but he had good _____ knowledge of it.
A. periodical B. tropical C. empirical D. vertical
10. He _______ the truth at last by questioning all the bots in the school.
A. caused B. resulted C. aroused D. elicited
11. The new secretary has written a remarkably ______ report only in a few pages but with all the details.
A. concise B. clear C. precise D. elaborate
12. The lady in this strange tale very obviously suffers from a serious mental illness. Her plot against a completely innocent old man is a clear sign of _______.
A. impulse B. disposition C. insanity D. inspiration
[CET-6, 2001, 1]
13. The two playwrights worked in close ______ with each other on the script.
A. collaboration B. circulation C. coalition D. inspiration
14. The police stopped me the other day as I was driving home, because I was ______ the speed limit.
A. transcending B. exceeding C. surpassing D. overtaking
15. Some people are more _____ to sea-sickness.
A. inclined B. liable C. likely D. apt
16. I think she hurt my feeling ______ rather than by accident as she claimed.
A. virtually B. deliberately C. literally D. appropriated
[CET-6, 1997, 1]
17. Some American colleges are state-supported, others are privately _______, and still others are supported by religious organizations.
A. ensured B. attributed C. authorized D. endowed
18. Parents take a great interest in the _____ questions raised by their children.
A. nasty B. naive C. obscure D. offensive
19. He is well _______ with the history of the company.
A. blessed B. conformed C. complied D. acquainted
20. He wrote to me last week regarding a teaching _____ he thought might interest me.
A. profession B. proportion C. provision D. proposition
1. 答案为A。A. distinction:区别,个性,分别,不同 B. discrimination:
区别,辨别,歧视 C. deviation:偏离,偏差 D. separation:分离,分开
2. 答案为B。A. tragic:悲惨的,悲剧的 B. turbulent:混乱的,不宁的
C. vulnerable:易伤害的 D. suspicious:可疑的,怀疑的
3. 答案为C。A.hostility:敌意,恶意 B. indignation:愤怒,生气 C. hospitality:盛情,热情 D. humanity:仁慈,富有人性
4.答案B。A.invention:发明 B. creation:创造,(创造的)作品
C.discovery:发现 D. illusion:错觉,幻觉
5. 答案为D。A. complexion:面色,气色,肤色 B. compliment:赞扬,恭维 C.appendix:附录 D. complement:补色,补足
6. 答案为B。A. configuration:构造,配置,地形 B. constitution:结构我,
构成,组成 C. condemnation:谴责,判刑 D. contamination:污染,弄脏
7. 答案为B。A. executive:行政管理人员 B.facilty:教师(总称)
C. crew:全体(船员)机组成员 D. staff:成员(总称)