


9. 答案为B。 A. lay down:放下,交出,规定,制定 B. laid out:安排,布置 C. laid over:做短暂停留 D. laid up:臣床不起
10. 答案为B。A. take off:脱下(衣服),(飞机)起飞 B. keep off:远离,不接近 C. get off:下车 D. set off:动身,出发
11. 答案为C。A. in case:假使,以防万一,后接从句 B. in case of:假使,万一 C. in the case of:对…来说,至于 D. in any way:无论如何,总之
12. 答案为A。 A. get around to:抽出时间(做某事) B. looked forward to:盼望 C. passed on to:传给 D. took to:开始喜欢,对…产生好感
13. 答案为B。A. at length:冗长的,详细地 B. at random:随意地 C. in essence:实质上,在本质上 D. in bulk:整批地,大量地
14. 答案为C。A. broken down:机器出毛病,人的身体垮了 B. broken up:结束,中止 C. broken out(战争、疾病、火灾)爆发 D. broken off:突然停止,折断
15. 答案为C。A. contrary to:与…相反 B. in regard to:就…而论 C. in contrast to:与…对照 D. with respect to:关于
16.答案为C。A. turned to:求助于 B. saw to:负责,注意 C got down to:安下心来做 D. sat in:列席,旁听
17. 答案为D。A. centering on:以…为中心 B. adhering to:粘附,遵守,坚持 C. coinciding with与…巧合 D. clinging to:紧紧抓住,粘着
18. 答案为B。A. brought forth:提出(建议,主张) B. set forth提出(目标) C. come up:出现 D. put forward:与brought forth同义
19. 答案为A。 A. wiped out:消灭 B. died out:灭绝(不及物) C. put out:熄灭(火) D. left out:遗漏,省略
20. 答案为A。 A.consist in:在于 B. feeds in:输入 C. puts in:插入,伸进 D. tucks in:给…盖好被子