

Directions: There are 30 incomplete sentences in this part. For each sentence there are four choices marked A), B), C) and D). Choose the ONE that best completes the sentence. Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.
1.I remember ______the article the day before yesterday.
A.to read B.to have read C.reading D.to reading
2.After travelling in the desert for five days,we found a tiny oasis,where there was a well and ______ green grass.
A.a patch of B.a bunch of C.a pinch of D.a packet of
3.The large company is ______ small ones
by buying up their shares.
A.taking off B.taking over
C.taking in D.taking from
4.She did it ______ our efforts to stop
A.in regard to B.with regard to
C.regarding D.in spite of
5.Tom is interested in and clever at many different things
,so he is ______.
A.vertical B.versatile C.variable D.vigorous
6.The tragic ending of the novel can bring ________.
A.your eyes to tears B.tears to your eyes
C.your eye to tear D.tear to your eye
7.I have heard about Mr. Smith but I am not acquainted______.
A.of B.by C.with D.over
8.We stopped for a coffee break and ______
 working fifteen minutes later.
A.resumed B.consumed C.presumed D.assumed
9.The “cure rate” of many diseases increased dramaticall
y after penicillin was______by more and more doctors.
A.put into practice B.put into effect
C.put to use D.put into operation
10.Go back to work,otherwise you will be______.
A.fired B.hired C.employed D.rented
11.Considering his contribution to our company,Mr. White
______better treatment than this.
A.observes B.preserves C.pretends D.deserves
12.With tear gas,the policemen______the
demonstrators in the street.
A.scattered B.broke C.assembled D.labelled
13.The little boy wore a very thin coat.A sudden gust of c
old wind made him______.
A.shake B.sweat C.shiver D.swing
14.Jimmy is only a secondrate tennis player,but he is al
ways______how well he plays.
A.blowing B.freshening C.boasting D.dictating
15.Can you find______at the hotel for the night?
A.lodgings B.accomodations C.places D.houses
16.I’d like to take advantage of this opportunity to expre
ss my sincere______for your help.
A.regulation B.recreation C.appreciation D.guarantee
17.The heavy lock on the door gave her_____.
A.a sense of inferiority B.a sense of superiority
C.a sense of security D.a sense of pride
18.Much to the students’ relief,the midterm exam was_____.
A.let off B.taken off C.left off D.cancelled
19.She’s fainted.Having been thrown cold water on her face
A.came out B.came through C.came round D.came true
20.The story you told me the other day has yet to be_____.
A.confessed B.confirmed C.conquered D.conformed
21.______,when he lived in his country,he was a university
professor,but now he is working toward a high degree at an American university.
A.Formerly B.Former C.Formally D.Formal
22.Once you put the folk tale______,it w
ill be very popular.
A.in white and black B.in black and white
C.by white and black D.with black and white
23.It is more than twenty years since Premier Zhou_____,but he still lives on our hearts.
A.passed away B.passed off C.passed over D.passed for
24.“Why are you driving like a mad?”
“Well,I have to______the hour we lost in Chicago.”
A.make for B.make up C.make of D.make out
25.The table is similar in design to the other,but the top
A.round B.rounder C.more round D.roundest
26.The atmosphere______certain gases mix
ed together in definite proportion.
A.consisting of B.consists of
C.composes of D.composed of
27.The slightest spark can______the expl
osives stored there.
A.set out B.set about C.set up D.set off
28.The Olympic Committee has drawn up strict rules for the
athletes to______.
A.go on B.go with C.go without D.go by
29.Work paid according to the amount done puts a premium
______speed and not______quality.
A.in,in B.of,of C.on,on D.from,from
30.If only I ______there to see it!
A.was B.am C.have been D.will be