

  1.Some educators try to put students of similar abilities into the same class because they believe this kind of _________ grouping is advisable.
  A) homogeneous
  B) instantaneous
  C) spontaneous
  D) anonymous
  1 .【译】有些科学家试图把能力相似的学生安排在同一个班,因为他们认为这种同类组合可取。
  【解析】正确选项为A ),属于形容词辨析题。
  选项A ) homogeneous意为"同种类的,同性质的";
  选项B ) instantaneous意为"瞬间的,";
  选项c ) spontaneous意为"自发的";
  选项D ) anonymous意为"匿名的"。
  2. Even sensible men do _________ things sometimes.
  A) abrupt
  B) absurd
  C) acute
  D) apt
  【解析】正确选项为B ),属于形近词辨析题。
  选项A ) abrupt意为"突然的,意外的";
  选项C ) acute意为"激烈的;严重的";
  选项D ) apt意为"易于,"
  3. The commission would find itself _________at every turn if its members couldn't reach an agreement.
  A) collided
  B) savaged
  C) crumbled
  D) hampered
  3 .【译】如果委员们不能达成一致意见,该委员会的意见将处处受阻。
  【解析】正确选项为D ),属于动词辨析题。
  选项D ) hampered意为"妨碍,限制",;
  选项B ) savaged意为"激烈抨击";
  选项C ) crumbled意为"弄碎"。
  4. Grain production in the word is _________ but still millions go hungry.
  A) staggering
  B) shrinking
  C) soaring
  D) suspending
  4 .【译】世界粮食产量增长很快,但仍有数百万人在挨饿。
  【解析】正确选项为C ),属于动词辨析题。
  选项C ) soaring意为"迅猛增长;高飞",如:a soaring eagle(凌空翱翔的鹰)。
  选项A ) staggering"摇晃;使吃惊";
  选项B ) shrinking意为"意为缩,退缩;"
  选项D ) suspending意为"暂停,终止"。
  5. He developed a _________ attitude after years of frustration in his career
  A) sneaking
  B) disgusted
  C) drastic
  D) cynical
  【解析】正确选项为D ),属于形容词辨析题。
  选项D ) cynical意为"愤世嫉俗的",如:a cynical remark(风凉话)。
  选项A ) sneaking意为"偷偷地走";
  选项B ) disgusted意为"厌恶的";
  选项C ) drastic意为"严厉地;极端的"。
  6. They believed that this was not the _________ of their campaign for equality but merely the beginning.
  A) climax
  B) summit
  C) pitch
  D) maximum