

A Marine Refuge
  When the regime could no longer refute the evidence, they finally approved rehabilitating the coral reef and making it into a marine refuge. Money earned from recycling would be relegated to paying for the refuge and a portion of redundant government refunds would pay for the rehabilitation . Everyone rejoiced and raised their refreshments into the air to toast that their hard work would be redeemed with nature being restored. And as the news was relayed throughout the country no one could rein in his or her excitement as they reeled from the joy of success.
  But some knew that this was just the rehearsal for a larger battle against companies that were given free reign to destroy marshes with rare reeds. The referees for this battle would not be so easy to influence. The companies that they would have to battle had already reeled off a refrain of praise for their own enviromental acts in other places. And their regiment of company paid news reporters who had already reined over the issue on TV and in the nespaper. They were determined not to let this reign end as well.
  But first they would enjoy this victory as much as they could. Victories were few and far between, why spoil the celebration with thoughts of the next battle. So they partied and praised the regime for its recognition that nature should be protected and sometimes restored.

