


  After his parents' last rebuke Jack's rebellion became worse. It seemed that there was nothing they could do to rectify the situation or reconcile with him. Fights kept recurring. They tried to be receptive to his needs, but when he recited a long list of changes he wanted at home they reassured him that they were not acceptable. Then he raved on that they never took him seriously about anything he wanted. That was when it became clear that their chances for reconciliation were receding. He had the reciprocal feeling and left to begin a reckless life trying to reap his own rewards out of life.
  It was a recipe for disaster that ended with Jack taking a razor to his own wrist. At the hospital his parents saw the rectangular pattern of needle scars on Jack's arm and wept that they had not been able to reclaim their relationship with him before he tried to kill himself. When he awoke it was as if they were on recess from fighting, none of them wanted that ever again.
  Standing together later with his sister also in the room, the rectangle that the four of them made when they hugged felt like it would never break. As the doctor came in they were even happier to hear that Jack was the recipient of a special scholarship to get care for his depression. Maybe they would finally be a family again.
