


Another fallen building... 
        They hadn’t found any skulls or skeletons yet, but he could see that they were sifting through the dust and large slabs of concrete towards the area where he knew they were situated. The sirens had long stopped signifying the emergency but the emotions of people now sitting around the destroyed skyscraper were starting to simmer. But they wouldn’t find anyone to blame. Knowing there would be slack for error he had done his work well.
        Now sipping coffee in a cafe across the street he smiled a sinister smile. They would never think that a computer geek from Silicon Valley had committed such a crime. They would quickly skip over the possibility of a domestic attack and blame some other country or terrorist organization. He had simulated it all in his head a million times. And to make sure that no one suspected he was from out of state he had worked hard to learn to speak in the local slang. No one would be skeptical of a local.
        When police and FBI began simultaneously asking questions of all those still around he stood up and walked in a slant away from the investigators. He had decided that if ever caught he would slash his wrists before go to prison, but he was determined to never be caught. And he wasn’t. He watched in fascination during the following weeks as the city searched endlessly for who had destroyed their building. And they would never know the truth.
