

47. Fiber-optic cables can carry hundreds of telephone conversations ______.
A) simultaneously   

B) spontaneously  

C) homogeneously   

D) contemporarily



48. The police were alerted that the escaped criminal might be in the ______.
A) vain             

B) vicinity       

C) court           

D) jail
注:vicinity   附近,邻近


49. Whether you live to eat or eat to live, food is a major ______ in every family's budget.
A) nutrition        

B) expenditure    

C) routine         

D) provision
注:1. expenditure 花费        2. budget 预算(六级最爱)


50. Now a paper in Science argues that organic chemicals in the rock come mostly from ______ on earth rather than bacteria on Mars.
A) configuration    

B) constitution   

C) condemnation    

D) contamination



51. There is much I enjoy about the changing seasons, but my favorite time is the ______ from fall to winter.
A) transmission

B) transformation 

C) transition 

D) transfer
注:1. transmission 广播电视节目的传送;疾病的传播;文化的传递

        2. transformation 变革

        3. transition 季节的过度,时间的更替,社会制度的转型

        4. transfer 转学,调任工作


52. I think we need to see an investment ______ before we make an expensive mistake.
A) guide            

B) entrepreneur   

C) consultant  

D) assessor
注:consultant 顾问  


53. The ______ on this apartment expires in a year's time.
A) treaty            

B) lease

C) engagement      

D) subsidy
注:lease 租约