


Of the thousands of known volcanos in the world, the _______ majority are inactive.

A) tremendous

B) demanding

C) intensive

D) overwhelming

注:1. volcano 火山

        2. overwhelming 压倒性的;overwhelming majority 占绝大多数的,压倒一切的

            majority 多数

            minority 少数,少数民族

        3. tremendous 巨大的,高速的,可怕的 as tremendous speed 以高速

            tremble 颤抖

            legend 传说,传奇

            irritate 激怒

            irritable 易怒的

            irrigate 灌溉

            castigate 严惩

            navigate 航行

            investigate 调查







        4. demanding 苛刻的;需要耗时耗力的

        5. intensive 集中的;强化的;仔细的;深入的

            intensive class 强化班

            intensive reading 精读



In general, matters which lie entirely within state borders are the______ concern of state governments.

A) extinct

B) excluding

C) excessive

D) exclusive

注:1. exclusive 排他的,独占的,专属的

       2. extinct 灭绝的



The poetry of Ezra Pound is sometimes difficult to understand because it contains so many ________ references.

A) obscure

B) acute

C) notable

D) objective

注:1. obscure 晦涩的

           absurd 荒谬的,可笑的

           ambiguous 模棱两可的,似是而非的

       2. acute 尖的;敏锐的;急性的

           acupuncture 针灸

       3. notable 重要的,知名的

           notion 概念

       4. objective 客观的

           subjective 主观的(陪考)

           empirical 主观的,凭经验的(陪考)

           arbitrary 主观的,凭经验的,武断的,独裁的(陪考)



The mayor was asked to __________ his speech in order to allow his audience to raise questions.

A) constrain

B) conduct

C) condense

D) converge

注:1. constrain 强迫,抑制(永陪词汇

       2. condense 压缩

       3. converge (运动物体的)会聚,集中;(不同思想的)会聚,集中

           assemble (人群的)聚集



The morning news says a school bus _________ with a train at the junction and a group of policemen were sent there immediately.

A) bumped

B) collided

C) crashed

D) struck

注:1. bump 运动撞静止

            bumper car 碰碰车

            lump 疙瘩,肿块

            goose lump 鸡皮疙瘩

            plump 丰满的

        2. collide 运动撞运动

    3. crash 碰撞,坠毁(911故事)

        4. strike 打击,撞击



Sometimes patients suffering from severe pain can be helped by "drugs" that aren't really drugs at all ________ sugar pills that contain no active chemical elements.

A) or rather

B) rather than

C) but rather

D) other than

注:1. not but rather 不是……而是……

        2. or rather 准确的说,准确的讲

        3. rather than 而不是

        4. other than 除了