




1.Very few people could understand his lecture because the subject was very __.

A) faint B) obscure C)gloomy D)indefinite

2. Fortune-tellers are good at making statements such as "Your sorrows will change."

A) philosophical B) ambiguous C) literal D) invalid

3.Europe's earlier industrial growth was by the availability of key resources, abundant and cheap labor, coal, iron ore, etc.

A) constrained B) detained C) remained D) sustained

4. Don't let such a matter as this come between us so that we can concentrate on the major issue.

A) trivial B) slight C) partial D) minimal

5. All visitors are requested to with the regulations

A) comply B) agree C) assist D) consent

6. As visiting scholars, they willingly to the customs of the country they live in.

A)submit B)commit C)conform D)subject

7. Being impatient is with being a good teacher.

A) intrinsic B) ingenious C) incompatible D) inherent

8. Although the colonists to some extent with the Native Americans, the Indians' influence on American culture and language was not extensive.

A) migrated B) matched C) melted D) mingled

9. Since the two countries couldn't their differences, they decided to stop their negotiations.

A) rectify B) oblige C) reconcile D) obscure

10. It is my hope that everyone in this class should __ their errors before it is too late.

A) refute B) rectify C)expel D) exclude

11. Many scientists remain about the value of this research program.

A) skeptical B) stationary C) spacious D)specific【skeptical同义词doubtful;非suspicious】

12. The graduate his failure in job hunting to the lack of work experience.

A) imparted B) granted C) ascribed D) acknowledged

13. The work in the office was by a constant stream of visitors.

A) confused B) hampered C) reversed D) perplexed 【hamper同义词hinder】

14. Others viewed the findings with , noting that cause-effect relationship between passive smoking and cancer remains to be shown.

A)caution B)passion C)optimism D)deliberation

15. When supply exceeds demand for any product, prices are to fall.

A)timely B)liable C)simultaneous D)subject 【liable还有可靠的含义】

16. The person who this type of approach for doing research deserves our praise.

A)generated B)originated C)speculated D)manufactured

【表原创、创新的单词还有original, innovate, innovative】