
2009年英语六级高频词汇 第32期

  on no account 决不,绝对不
  on the decline 衰落中,衰退中 
  out of stock 无现货的,脱销的
  provided that 假如,若是
  pull up 使停下
  put away 放好,放起来
  regardless of 不管,不顾
  result in 导致,结果是
  result from 由……引起    
  see to 照料,注意
  show to 引导,引领
  stand for 容忍,接受
  take on 承担,接受
  take over 接管,接收
  take to 对……产生好感,开始喜欢
  talk into 说服
  that is 即,也就是
  turn in 上交
  turn out 生产出
  turn to 求助于
  ward off 防止,避开
  with reference to 关于,有关
  work out 想出,制订出
  worth one’s while 值得