

  401. liable to a. 易于 = be apt to/be prone to
  402. liberal a. 自由的
  403. linger v. 继续逗留;留恋>They beautiful town.
  404. mature a. 成熟的
  405. moderate a. 适度的 ~ physical exercises
  406. motivate v. .激励 A desire to pass Band 6 ~s her to work hard.
  407. multiply v. 繁殖
  408. overall a. 总体的 an ~ impression
  409. perceive v. 感知
  410. prevail over v . 胜过
  411. prime n. 壮年 He died in the ~ of his life.
  412. priority n. 优先权 give ~ to
  413. prominent a. 突出的, 杰出的=distinguished
  414. prone to a. 易于
  415. prosperity n. 繁荣
  416. reckless a. 卤莽的
  417. relevant a. 有关的
  418. remedy n. 治疗法
  419. resistant a. 抵抗的
  420. respective a. 分别的
  421. resume v. 重新开始
  422. scandal n. 丑闻
  423. scatter v. .驱散
  424. sentiment n. 感情
  425. severe a. 严重的 ~ wound
  426. shield v. 保护
  427. simultaneously a. 同时地
  428. sole a. 唯一的
  429. sponsor n. 赞助者
  430. startle v. 惊吓
  431. stray v. 走失
  432. substantial a. 可观的,大量的=considerable> a substantial income
  433. sufficient a. 充分的
  434. supplement v./n. 补充>He ~ed his income by taking a part-time job.
  435. testify v. 作证
  436. trigger v. 引发 ~ a debate/war
  437. swing v. 摇摆
  438. universal a. 普遍的
  439. utilize v. 利用
  440. variation n. 变动> the ~ in temperature
  441. virtually ad. 实际上
  442. wretched a. 难过的
  443. flexible a. 灵活的 The dancer’s body is very ~.
  444. facet n. 侧面 a ~
  445. endeavor v. /n. 努力