

  survive sur-vive v.活下来,继续存在;从(困境等)中挺过来;比…活得长;幸免于
  〔例句〕 Nobel Prize for Medicine and says that if there is a global disaster some humans will surviveand evolution will favour small people with bodies large enough to support the required amount of brain power. (2008年6月快速阅读
  〔译文〕 诺贝尔医学奖表示,如果有一些人在一个全球性的灾难幸存下来,那么进化就会倾向于那些有足够庞大的身体来支撑所需脑功率数量的人。
  temper tem-per n.心情;情绪;韧度 vt.调和,使缓和;(冶金)回火
  〔例句〕 The girl gathered her temper and spoke her mind.
  afford af-ford vt.担负得起;提供
  〔例句〕 Many Europeans now apparently view the U.S. the way many Americans view Mexicoas a cheap place to vacation, shop and party, all while ignoring the fact that the poorer locals can’t afford to join the merrymaking. (2008年6月阅读1)
  〔译文〕 现在显然许多欧洲人看待美国的方式,如同许多美国人认为墨西哥那样是度假,购物,聚会廉价的地方那样;然而却忽略了贫穷当地人不能参加欢宴的事实。
   constant cons-tant a.经常的,连续发生的;永恒的;忠实的n.常数,恒量
  〔例句〕 We humans, like all warmblooded animals, can keep our core body temperatures pretty much constant regardless of what’s going on in the world around us. (2008年12月快速阅读
  〔译文〕 我们人类,像所有温血动物一样,能够保持我们的核心体温相当恒定,无论在我们周围的世界是什么样子。
  consumer con-su-mer n.消费者,消耗者
  〔例句〕 Through advertising, companies conditioned consumers to buy things they didn’t really want or need. (2007年6月阅读1)
  〔译文〕 通过广告,公司使消费者买了他们并不真正想要或需要的东西。
  essential e-ssen-tial a.必要的;本质的 n. 〔常pl.〕要素;必需品
  〔例句〕 How do propagandists argue for the U.S. drug pricing policy? High prices are essential to funding research on new drugs. (2006年6月阅读2)
   inventory in-ven-to-ry n.详细目录,存货清单
  〔例句〕 The store was closed for inventory all week.
  〔译文〕 那家商店因盘货暂停营业一星期。