

  268. assuage : ease; lessen(pain)
  * Your messages of cheer should assuage her suffering.
  269. assumption : something taken for granted; the taking over or taking possession of
  * The young princess made the foolish assumption that the regent would not object to her Assumption of power.
  270. assurance : promise or pledge; certainty; self-confidence
  * When Gutherie gave Guiness his assurance that rehearsals were going well,he spoke with such assurance that Guiness was convinced.
  274. astringent : binding; causing contraction; harsh or severe
  * The astringent quality of unsweetened lemon juice made swallowing difficult.
  278. asylum : place of refuge or shelter; protection
  * The refugees sought asylum from religious persecution in a new land.
  279. asymmetric : not identical on both sides of a dividing central line
  * Because one eyebrow was set markedly higher than the other, William's face had a particularly asymmetric appearance.
  281. atheistic : denying the existence of God
  * His atheistic remarks shocked the religious worshippers.
  285. attenuate : make thin; weaken
  * By withdrawing their forces, the generals hoped to attenuate the enemy lines.
  286. attest : testify; bear witness
  * Having served as a member of a grand jury, I can attest that our system of indicting individuals is in need of improvement.
  287. attribute : essential quality
  * His outstanding attribute was his kindness.
  288. attribute : ascribe; explain
  * I attribute her success in science to the encouragement she received from her parents.
  292. augment : increase
  * How can we hope to augment our forces when our allies are deserting us?
  293. augury : omen; prophecy
  * He interpreted the departures of the birds as an augury of evil.
  294. august : impressive; majestic
  * Visiting the palace at Versailes, she was impressed by the august surroundings in which she found herself.
  297. auspicious : favoring success
  * With favorable weather conditions, it was an auspicious moment to set sail
  302. authoritative : having the weight of authority; dictatorial
  * We accepted her analysis of the situation as authoritative.
  308. avarice : greed for wealth
  * King Midas's avarice has been famous for centuries.
  309. aver : state confidently
  * I wish to aver that I am certain of success.
  310. averse : reluctant
  * He was averse to revealing the sources of his information.
  311. aversion : firm dislike
  * Their mutual aversion was so great that they refused to speak to one another.
  312. avert : prevent; turn away
  * She averted her eyes from the dead cat on the highway.
  313. aviary : enclosure for birds
  * The aviary at the zoo held nearly 300 birds.
  315. avocation : secondary or minor occupation
  * His hobby proved to be so fascinating and profitable that gradually he abandoned his regular occupation and concentrated on his avocation.
  316. avow : declare openly
  * I must avow that I am innocent.
  338. bantering : good-naturedly ridiculing
  * They resented his bantering remarks because they misinterpreted his teasing as sarcasm.
  342. baroque : highly ornate
  * Accustomed to the severe, angular lines of modern skyscrapers, they found the flamboyance of baroque architecture amusing.
  343. barrage : barrier laid down by artillery fire; overwhelming profusion
  * The company was forced to retreat through the barrage of heavy canyons.
  344. barrister : counselor-at-law
  * Galsworthy started as a barrister, but when he found the practice of law boring, turned to writing.
  346. bask : luxuriate; take pleasure in warmth
  * basking on the beach, she relaxed so completely that she fell asleep.
  358. beguile : amuse; delude; cheat
  * I beguiled himself during the long hours by playing solitaire.
  362. belabor : explain or go over excessively or to a ridiculous degree; assail verbally
  * The debate coach warned her student not to bore the audience by belaboring his point.