

  06-7 Unit 2
  15.Barbara _____ in doing it again though she had failed more than a dozen times
  A consisted B resisted
  C assisted D persisted
  词根sist 表示”站着”
  consist of 组成
  insist 坚持(on)
  persist 坚持(in)
  resist 拒绝
  assist 帮助
  16.This is a purely _______ problem, not a political one.
  A additional B assiduous
  C adamant D academic
  additional 附加的
  assiduous 勤奋的
  adamant 固执的,坚强的
  stubborn 固执的
  headstrong 固执的
  academy 学术
  academic 学术类的
  06-8 Unit 2
  17. After criminals were caught , they were accused and put on _______
  A death B verdiction
  C trial D sentence
  trial 审判
  Friday 星期五 idleness 无事可做
  lazy 懒懒的 inform 通知
  party 晚会 assemble 聚集
  lady blast 阵阵 happy
  mercy 仁慈 faerie 仙子
  lonely appearance 外表
  impression 印象 opportunity 机会
  Hi, baby. busy
  indifferently 冷漠的 celebrity 名人
  effective 有效的 pose 姿势
  honey honeymoon
  fantasy 幻想
  verdiction (陪审团的)裁决
  ver(真实) + dic (说) + tion
  verify vt. 证实
  06-9 Unit 2
  18.I struggled out of the ditch and my jeans were ______
  A spoiled B scattered
  C spilled D spotted
  ditch 水沟
  witch 巫婆,女巫
  pitch 投,掷
  hitch 钩住
  spot 点,斑点
  scatter 分散
  specialist 专家
  spurt 喷发
  sprout 发芽
  swank 打扮
  spank 打人
  sphere 球体
  spill 洒,泼
  spoil 损坏
  sparrow 麻雀
  06-10 Unit 2
  19.On turning the corner, we saw the road _______ steeply
  A departing B depressing
  C decreasing D descending
  depart 离开
  desire 渴望
  detest 厌恶
  depress 沮丧
  descend 下降
  20. Before he started to work, I asked the builder to give me an __ of the cost of repairing the roof.
  A assessment B announcement
  C estimate D evaluation
  evaluate 评价
  assessment 评估
  asset 财产
  estimate 估计
  circulate 循环
  calculate 计算
  articulate 清楚地讲
  speculate 推测