

[导读]和谐英语学习网整理了以下完型练习,主要是针对六级考试的高频语法—虚拟语气进行练习。   1.So many students get failed in the final examination.It is strange that such a thing __1__in your school.It is important that the results of an experiment__2___.
  1. [a]happens [b]happened
  [c]should happen [d]had happened
  2.[a]check and recheck [b]checking and rechecking
  [c]be checked and rechecked [d]checked and rechecked
  2.The people who knew him very well said that he was too naïve sometimes.Had he been older,he___1___less sympathetic.But what he had done proved that he was the person,loving life,also a hero who can help others out of trouble.___2___his timely arrival, the boy would have been drowned.That gained respects for him.
  3.[a]might have been [b]would be
  [c]might be [d]had been
  4.[a]But for [b]Even for 和谐英语学习http://www.hxen.net
  [c]Except for [d]If not
  1. 选[c]该题考察表示惊奇、高兴、遗憾、担心等感情色彩的形容词引起的主语从句中的虚拟语气的表达。在 anxious,sorry,concerned,happy,delighted等表示感情色彩的形容词后接的that 从句中,用should来修饰谓语动词。该句中有strange一次,意为“奇怪”,表示对事物的惊讶或不满,it为形式主语,that从句为主语从句,要求从句中用虚拟语气的表达形式should+动词原形表示
  2. 选[c]该题考察it’s+adj.+that主语从句的虚拟形式。观察句子结构可以看出这里为It’s+形容词(important)+that从句结构,形容词important做表语,主语从句需要虚拟形式should+动词原形,should可以省略
  3. 选[a]该题考察非真实条件的虚拟。在表示过去情况的虚拟条件句中,条件从句用了过去完成时形式,主句可用should(would/could/might)+have+过去分词的形式
  4. 选[a]该题考察含蓄条件的虚拟。But for含义为“要不是”,用于此处可以表达假设条件,but for his timely arrival=If it had not been for his timely arrival或If he had not arrived on time.