

英语的人都知道,传统英语语法将语态分为两个部分:主动语态(active voice)和被动语态(passive voice)。   汉译英练习
  1.Fred claimed_______________(在昨天的晚会上受到了很糟糕的招待)
  2.The naughty girl said to her parents that she wanted to be a good girl and______(下定决心从头开始)
  选做★:___________(考虑到天气状况),they flew to London immediately.
  1.to have been badly treated at yesterday’s party
  【解析】该题考察claim后接不定式作宾语的用法,be treated发生在claim之前,故用完成时态。
  2.set her heart to blazing a trail of her own
  【解析】该题考点为动名词作介词的宾语。该题中set one’s heart to doing是一个固定结构,表示决定做某事,to是一个介词,后面需跟动名词。
  选做:With the weather conditions taken into account
  1.It was very late in night.The boy walked quietly into the room____1__awake his roommates.The roommates pretend____2___when he came in to give him a shock.
  1. a)in order to not b)so as not to c)for not to d)so as to
  2. a) to sleep b)sleeping c)sleep d)to be sleeping
  2.The member were so angry that they felt like___3___something at the organizer.The match was cancelled because most of the members____4____a match without a standard court.
  3.a)to throw b)throwing c)to have thrown d)having thrown
  4.a)objected to having b)were objected to have
  c)objected to have d)were objected to having
  选做★:There seemed little hope that the explorer,_____5___in the tropical forest,would find his way through it.He asked for help,____6___whether anyone would volunteer.
  5.a)to be deserted b)having deserted
  c)to have been deserted d)having been deserted
  6.a)doubting b)doubted
  c)being doubting d)was doubting
  1.b 该题考察固定表达中不定式的否定形式。So as to和in order to 均表示某种目的,否定形式都应在不定式to前面加not.
  2.d 动词pretend后面应接不定式(to do),故排除b、c选项,由于sleep与come in 同时发生,故选择进行式更符合句意。
  3.b 该题考点为动词短语feel like后面只能跟动名词的用法
  4.a 该题考点为object to 后接动名词形式的用法
  5.d 该题考察现在分词充当状语。Desert是及物动词,与其逻辑主语the explorer之间是被动关系,且be deserted时间在先,所以用完成时。
  6.a 该题考察现在分词作状语表示伴随状态的用法。此处应选分词结构作状语。Doubt与其逻辑主语He之间是主动关系,而且没有时间的先后,所以要用现在分词形式。