

[导读]为了让广大考生更好备战12月份四六级考试,和谐英语学习网特整理了以下“英语六级语法必备练习”辅导资料,供考生复习。   完形填空练习
  1.Jean left__1__Russ turned back to write on the blackboard. I knew Russ avoid Jean pretended not to see her.But I really had no idea that what has Jean done___2__Russ should treat her like this.Jean worked just so much___3___.
  1.a) the time b)until c)the minute d)before
  2.a)that b)how c)why d)whether
  3.a)like what she was told to b)as she was told to
  c)like she was told to d)as to what she tried to do
  2. The little Bill is very young___4___he can look after himself well.And he is a so lively and charming boy and always likes play tricks to other. Now,Bill put his hands behind his back,__5__nobody could see his hands.
  4.a)so b)but c)if d)or来源:http://www.hxen.net
  5.a)so b)and c)or d)but
  1.选c.该题考察时间状语从句连接词the minute的用法。这里the minute/moment/instant表示“一…就”,相当于一个连词词组,引导时间状语从句。
  2.选a.该题考点为that引导结果状语从句的特殊用法。这里that充当连接词,结构上起连接的作用,在从句中不作语法成分,语义上相当于so that或as a result,是that的特殊用法之一。
  3.选b.该题考察比较状语从句。整个句子结构为so…as….,as为连词,引导从句,前面的so 为副词,修饰much.
  5.选a.该题考点为并列句的连接词的用法。从上下文可知nobody could see his hands的原因是Bill put his hands behind his back,所以用so表示结果。
  1.He was so foolish to leaving his car unlocked.
  2.Commercial banks make most of their income from interest earn on loans and investment in stocks and bonds.
  选做★:He would become irritated if he watched the mail to pile up on his table every day.
  1.【解析】应该将to leaving改为as to leave。该题考察固定结构so…as to do的意义与用法,该短语含义为“如此…以至于…”
  选做★:【解析】应该将to去掉。该题考察不带to的不定式表达。Watch为感官动词,宾语补足语可为:不带to的不定式(短语)表动作全过程;现在分词或分词短语表动作的一部分;过去分词(短语)表被动。Pile up意为“堆积,累计”,本题并非强调有人故意地堆积,所以用原形。