

[导读]为了让广大考生更好备战12月份四六级考试,和谐英语学习网特整理了以下“英语六级语法必备练习”辅导资料,供考生复习。   汉→英
  1._______(很明显)that Jack has returned.
  2._________(几乎所有行为都是学来的)is a basic assumption of social scientists.
  选做★:His ability has never been in doubt,but the question is________(他是否已准备好努力工作。)
  1.It is evident采集者退散
  2.That nearly all behavior is learned behavior
  选做★:whether he is prepared to work hard
  【解析】该题考察表语从句的使用,前文中表示never in doubt,即为肯定之意,而后文中用but转折,表示与前文不一样的感情色彩,即有些怀疑,所以应用表示不确定的引导词whether或if;由于if不能用在表语从句中,故只有使用whether.
  1. Professor Wang,___1___for his informative lectures, was warmly received by his students.Now, he walked into the classroom____2__. He was going to make a lecture about relationship between China and America today.
  1.a)knowing b)to be known
  c)known d)having know
  2.a)with a book in hand b)hand with a book
  c)being with a book in hand d)to have a book in hand
  2. A Dream of the Red Chamber is said___3__into dozens of languages in the last decade.___4__the works will give us a much better feel for the wide differences between the east and west of thought.And that will help us to know better about love and society of ancient China.
  3.a)to have been translated b)to translate
  c)to be translated d)to have translated
  4.a)To have reviewed b)Having reviewed
  c)Reviewing d)Being reviewed
  3.__5____in a recent science competition, the three students were awarded scholarships totaling $21,000. And fortunately, all the tasks___6___ahead of time,they decided to go on holiday for a week.
  5.a)Judging the best b)Judged the best
  c)To be judged the best d)Having judged the best
  6.a)had been fulfilled b)were fulfilled
  c)been fulfilled d)having been fulfilled
  1. 选c。该题考察过去分词短语作后置定语的用法。观察句子可以看出Professor Wang与动词know间为被动关系,所以要用动词过去分词形式作后置状语,修饰Professor Wang,(be) known for sth意为“以…而著称/闻名”
  2. 选a。该题考察with(或without)+名词(或代词宾格)+介词结构作伴随状语的用法。
  3. 选a。该题考察不定式的用法。动词不定式to translate这一动作发生在谓语动作之前,而且该动作的客体是本句的主语,所以应当用完成式被动态。“in the last decade”这个时间状语也提示应选择不定式的完成式。
  4. 选c。该题考察动名词的用法。观察句子结构可以看出这里需要构成一个表达式作句子的主语,由于review与主句谓语give us a much better feel 同步发生,所以用一般时而不用完成时,reviewing their work是动名词短语作主语。
  5. 选b。该题考察非谓语动词分词作状语的用法。根据句意确定这句应选分词短语做原因状语,而且考虑到分词短语与主句中主语的逻辑关系是被动关系,所以选b
  6. 选d。该题考察分词独立结构。根据句子语义结构判定前后表达非并列关系,因而应选非谓语的表达,而且由于fulfill与all the tasks是被动关系,而且发生在谓语动词之前,因此用现在分词的完成被动式。