

考生们已进入2011年6月四六级考试备考阶段。为了帮助大家通过英语六级考试,和谐英语学习网编辑收集整理了2011六级考试核心词汇及例句分析!  2011六级考试核心词汇及例句分析c1
  candidate n.候选人, 投考者(94-1,95-1,95-6,99-1,99-6,02-1,02-12,07-6)
  Your qualities will exhibit to employers why they should hire you over other candidates. (07-6)
  capital n. 首都;资金,资本(05-12,06-6,06-12)
  It will be increasingly difficult to maintain political support for the free flow of goods, services, and capital across borders. (07-12)
  catastrophe n.大灾难, 大祸(08-6)
  category n.种类, 部属; 类目
  centralize v.集聚, 集中
  challenge n.挑战
  The challenge is particularly evident in the work—place. (07-12)
  characteristic adj.表示特性的;典型的;特有的 n. 特征,特性 (06-6)
  If you display these characteristics, with just a little luck, you’ll certainly succeed in the typical personnel interview.(95-1)
  charge v.要价;索价;
  circumstance n.环境, 详情, 境况 (07-12)
  Losing everything you own under such circumstances can be distressing. (06-12)
  citizen n.市民, 公民(08-12)
  In 1997, NASA published a report concluding that selling trips into space to private citizens could be worth billions of dollars.(06-12)
  claim v.要求,认领,索赔
  Mothers have always claimed that they could see their newborns looking at them as they held them, despite what they have been told. (91-1)
  It is often claimed that nuclear energy is something we cannot do without.(97-1)
  clinical adj.临床的;临诊的
  clip n.小夹子;回形针不及物动词 vi. 夹上,夹住
  Even after graduation, young people find their wings clipped by skyrocketing housing costs.(93-6)
  cloud n.云, 烟云(02-6)
  cluster n.一串;一束;一群 vt. 群集,聚集(06-12)
  When we go abroad, we tend to cluster in hotels and restaurants where English is spoken. (01-6)
  coastal adj.海岸的 (02-6)
  coincidence n.巧合;巧合的事
  It is no coincidence that a large number of violent crimes are committed under the influence of alcohol.
  combine v.联结;结合 (08-12)
  This information is combined with a map database.(02-1)
  commerce n.商业(02-12)
  commodity n. 货场;商品;物品
  In his generation money was thought of as a real commodity (实物) that could be carried, or stolen.(92-1)
  communicate v. 交流;通信
  With stunning speed, the Internet is profoundly changing the way we work, shop, do business, and communicate.(05-12)
  community n.社区
  Why do some non-native speakers of English claim that it is a difficult language to learn, while infants born into English-speaking communities acquire their language before they learn to use forks and knives? (2009.6)
  comparative adj. 比较的(08-12)
  compatibility n. 适合, 适应(性)(95-1) compensation n.补偿,赔偿(06-6)
  The insurance company paid him $10,000 in compensation after his accident.(97-6)
  complaint v.申诉;控告 n.抱怨;抗议
  The manager promised to have my complaint looked into. (90-1)
  Every year television stations receive hundreds of complaints about the loudness of advertisements.(98-6)
  complexity n.复杂性(91-1,02-12)
  complicate v.变复杂
  And once all those things were no longer there, she and her husband saw how they had weighed them down and complicate their lives.(06-12)
  comprehensive adj.全面的;广泛的(05-1)
  conceive v.构思, 以为, 持有
  It is hard to conceive of a plan to end poverty. (2001. 1)
