



A: He suffered a terrible plight during the war.

B: Yes, his story was horrific.

plight n. 困境,苦境

A: Could you please pluck the feathers off the chicken?

B: Oh, I hate that job, can someone else do it?

pluck vt. 1. 拔,摘,采

2. 拔除……的毛

3. 弹,拨,弹奏

vi. (at) 拉,拽,拉扯

n. 勇气,胆量,决心

A: These plums are delicious.

B: Yeah, we’ve had a great crop this year.

plum n. 李子,梅子

a. 待遇好的

A: The taps in the bathroom seem to be stuck again.

B: Oh, the plumber just fixed them last week.

plumber n. 管子工,水暖工

A: The plume on parrots is usually very colourful.

B: Yes, I particularly like the ones with red feathers.

plume n. 1.(升上空中的)一缕(烟、尘土等)

2. 羽毛,羽饰

A: Look at that plump little puppy.

B: Oh, he is so cute!

plump a. 丰满的,胖乎乎的

vi. 1. (down) 扑通倒(或坐)下,蓦地摔下

2. (for)选定

vt. 1. 使扑通倒(或坐)下,蓦地摔下

2. (up) 轻轻拍打使(枕头等)变得鼓起来

A: Many houses were plundered during the war.

B: Yes, law and order were broken down.

plunder vt. 劫掠……的财物,掠夺

n. 1. 劫掠物,赃物

2. 劫掠,抢夺

A: That is a nasty cough that you have.

B: I think it may be pneumonia .

pneumonia n. 肺炎

A: The film was very poignant . It showed the horrors of war.

B: I’m not sure if I’ll be strong enough to watch it.

poignant a. 令人痛苦的,辛酸的,惨痛的

A: Did Linda give a good presentation at the conference?

B: Yes, she was full of poise and confidence.

poise n. 1. 稳重,镇定


3. 平衡,平稳

vt. 使平衡,使平稳,平稳地拿

A: Stop poking me in the sides.

B: I was just trying to make you laugh!

poke vt. 1. 戳,捅

2. 用……戳(或捅),把……戳向

3. v. 伸出,突出

n. 戳,捅

poke about/around


poke fun at


poke one's nose into
