



A: What aspect of healthcare does your research focus on?

B: Early pregnancy and female attitudes towards childbirth.

pregnancy n. 怀孕,怀孕期

A: I was a smaller than average child when I was born.

B: Why, were you premature ?

premature a. 1. 比预期(或正常)时间早的


A: Who is the Premier in your country?

B: Oh, I can’t remember her name offhand.

premier n. 总理,首相

a. 首要的,首位的,首次的

A: I’ve rented the premises for two years.

B: Do you think you will move away before then?

premise n. 1. [pl.](企业、机构等使用的)房屋和地基,经营场址

2. 前提,假设

A: Do you own a car?

B: No, I can’t afford the insurance premium .

premium n. 1.(投保人向保险公司支付的)保险金

2. 额外费用,加付款

3. 奖品,赠品,额外津贴

a. 1. 高级的,优质的

2. 售价高的

at a premium

1. 奇缺的,难得的

2. 以超过一般的价格,以高价

put/place a premium on


A: Did you notice the beautiful sunset last night?

B: No, I was preoccupied with other matters.

preoccupy vt. 使全神贯注,使入神

 A: I can get the medicines I need over the counter?

B: No, you will have to go to a doctor for a prescription .

prescription n. 1. 规定,规定性的东西(如条例、指示、命令等)

2. 处方,药方,(医生开的)药

3. 解救方法,诀窍

A: Who will preside over the meeting?

B: Probably the president of the organization.

preside vi. (at,over)主持,主管

A: I studied at the top university in my country.

B: That must bring a lot of prestige .

prestige n. 威信,威望

A: You can presume I will be late for the meeting.

B: I will, you are always late

presume vt. 1. 推测,假定,(没有证据地)相信

2. 冒昧(做),擅(做)

3. 认定,推定

vi. 擅自行事

presume on (不正当地)利用

A: Do you get along well with David?

B: No, he is far too pretentious and is always promoting himself.

pretentious a. 自命不凡的,自负的,炫耀的

A: I left school under the pretext that I had been offered a good job.

B: And do you now think it was a wise decision?

pretext n. 借口,托词