


abide by           遵从,遵守

conform to                 遵从,遵守

immerse oneself in                  专心从事于,全神贯注于

be immersed in                专心从事于,全神贯注于

be persistent in                 坚持

persist in                   坚持

collide with                与…相撞

crash into                 与…相撞

life expectancy                   预期寿命,平均寿命

expectation of life             预期寿命,平均寿命

revenge oneself on sb.              向某人报仇

take revenge on sb.                   向某人报仇

on display                   在展览中

on exhibition             在展览中

go on/for an excursion to                  到…旅行

make/take an excursion to              到…旅行

a flaw in a cup           茶杯的瑕疵

a flaw in one’s character                性格的缺陷

a drastic remedy               烈性的药物

a lofty manner          傲慢的态度

a multitude/multitudes of              许多,大量

accommodate oneself to...               适应,顺应

accustom oneself to...              使自己习惯于…

advance/rear guard                 前/后卫

advantage/superiority/priority over...              优越,凌驾于…