


当国人还在为人口多而烦恼时,美国人已经在为低生育率发愁了。当然,发达国家低生育率已经是众所周知的事儿了,再弹这种老调估计没有听众了。那么本文从带薪产假这个话题出发,详尽阐述了父母对孩子的教养之于社会的关系。人口再生产一直是人类必须面对和重视的问题,在这里介绍一个人口学术语给大家,总和生育率(total fertility rate),指的是一个妇女一生中所生子女的数量。发展中国家大多大于5,即1名女性一生中总共生大约5个小孩,而发达国家一般低于2,我国最新的统计数据是1.4-1.5,所以未来的养老会成为热门话题,在平时的学习中可以留心。

[Only] two countries [in the advanced world] provide no guarantee 1[for paid leave] [from work to care for a newborn child]. [Last spring] one of the two, {Australia}, gave up (the dubious 2) distinction 3 [by establishing 4 paid family leave] [starting in 2011]. I wasn’t surprised [when this didn’t make the news [here] [in the United States]] – we’re [now] the only wealthy 5 country [without such a policy].
注:1. guarantee n.保证,保证书。文中此意。例:

Advertising provides a guarantee of reasonable value in the products and services you buy.
There is no guarantee, however, that the Trade Center layer will remain so distinct forever.
[选自:BBC: Twin towers 'created ash footprint']

vt. 保证,担保。例:

I still cannot guarantee you that I must be there on time.
2. dubious adj. 有问题的,靠不住的;半信半疑的,可疑的;结果未定的,不能确定的。例:

a dubious business venture 冒险的商业投资

I don’t believe you because I remain dubious about your motives.
a dubious replay 含糊的回答

The results of policy will remain dubious for some time.
【派】dubiously (adv.未定地;含糊地,可疑地)

3. distinction n.差别,区分。例:

make a distinction between...区分

There is no obvious distinction between the twin brothers.
But the city, the state’s largest, was not solely responsible for the dubious distinction.
[dubious和distinction都用到了。][选自:MSN: Census: Detroit's population plummets 25 percent]

【辨】distinction,unlikeness,divergence  “差别,差异”


unlikeness 经常暗指较大和较明显的差别。


4. establish vt. 建立,设立;安置,使定居。例:

The object of the patriots was to establish a representative and republic government.
We are now comfortable established in our new house.
【派】established (adj.已制定的,确定的)

5. wealthy adj.富裕的,丰富的

a wealthy land 富饶的土地

a wealthy family 富裕的家庭

Mr. Obama's recent push to boost taxes on wealthy Americans has complicated that effort.
[选自:WSJ: Obama Chief of Staff William Daley Cedes Day-to-Day Role]

The United States does have one explicit 1 family policy, {the Family and Medical Leave Act}, passed [in 1993]. It entitles 2 workers [to as much as 12 weeks’ unpaid leave] [for care 3 of a newborn or dealing with a family medical problem]. [Despite the modesty (of the benefit),] the Chamber (of Commerce) and other business groups fought it [bitterly], [describing it as “government-run 4 personnel 5 management 6” and a “dangerous precedent 7”]. [In fact], every step (of the way), [as (usually)原 Democratic leaders have tried to introduce 8 work-family balance measures [into the law],] business groups have been [strongly] opposed 9.
注:1. explicit adj. 详述的,明确的;坦率的。例:

give explicit direction给予详尽明确的指示

He gave me explicit direction on how to get there.
The critics were explicit in their criticism.
2. entitle vt. 给以权力(或资格);给...以称号;给...提名

be entitled to 有权...,有资格...。例:

I am entitled to know what goes on.
This book is entitled So Young.
What it does mean is that a high score will entitle the department to extra funding for research.
[选自:BBC: News | Education league Tables 2001]

3. care在这里是名词,后面的of作后置定语修饰之。如果care是动词,前面的for将限制care必须用ing动名词形式。or 后面的deal就是ing形式。文中有意翻译成“用来对新生儿的抚养”,利于大家对词性的理解。当然,如果在翻译中,翻成抚养新生儿也是不错的。

4. government-run adj. 官办的,政府运作的

government-run monopolies 政府经营的垄断企业

government-run universities 公立大学

government-run school 公立学校

5. personnel n. 全体成员,全体职工;人事(部门)。例:

personnel exchange 人才交流

Airline personnel can buy flight tickets at reduced prices.
personnel department人事部

personnel manager 人事经理

6. management n. 经营,管理;管理部门。例:

They need to improve their management right now.
The management are considering finishing up the project.
7. precedent n. 先例,范例;惯例。例:

It needs strength and courage to shatter precedent.
The challenge, says Upchurch, is that there is simply no precedent for selling space travel.
[选自:MSN: Space tourism poised to blast off in the next two years]

8. introduce v. 引入,带来。通常的意思当然是介绍,这里不讲解熟意了。例:

The bill will introduce a new system of scrutiny of medical certificates of cause of death.
[选自:BBC: Certification of Death Bill debate]

9. oppose vt. 反抗,反对。例:

It is we who oppose this travesty today who are, in fact, supporting our Constitution.
[it is who强调句型,所以译文中用“是我们”来表示强调。][选自:cnn: Transcript: House debates articles of impeachment]


[As (Yale law professor) Anne Alstott argues,] justifying 1 parental support depends on defining the family [as a social good] (that, ^in some sense^, society must pay for.) [In her book] {No Exit: What Parents Owe Their Children and What Society Owes Parents}, she argues that parents are burdened 2 [in many ways] [in their lives]: there is “no exit” [when it comes to children.] “Society expects – and needs – parents [to provide their children] [with continuity 3 of care], [meaning the intensive 4, intimate 5 care] (that human beings need to develop their intellectual 6, emotional and moral capabilities 7.) And society expects – and needs – parents [to persist in 8 their roles] [for 18 years], or [longer] [if needed 9.]”
就像耶鲁大学教授Anne Alstott所说的那样,为父母支持正名,取决于将家庭看成是一种在某种程度上的社会商品,而社会需要买单。在她的《没有出路:父母欠孩子什么以及社会欠父母什么》一书中,她写道,父母在生活中承担着各种各样的担子:在孩子的问题上是“没有出路”的。“社会期望——也需要——父母为孩子提供持续的关爱,意指那种深厚而亲密的关爱。这种爱是人类所需的,可以使孩子们智商,情商和道德方面得到发展。而且社会期望——也需要——父母把自己的角色至少扮演好18年,如果需要的话还可以更久。” 
注:1. justify vt. 证明...是正当的,认为有理。但文中用的是动名词形式作主语了,在这里还是做动词学习。例:

To justify this claim, he provided a lot of evidence.

2. burden v. 使负担,烦扰。例:

They may be burdened by guilt and regret.
The hospital is to change administrative procedures so clinical staff would not be burdened.
[选自:BBC: Princess Alexandra Hospital]


3. continuity n. 连续性,继续;[影视]剪辑。例:

The continuity of service is thereby guaranteed.
These industries are required by law and regulation to have a business continuity plan.
[选自:FORBES: Why Verizon Has Its Own HAZMAT Team]

4. intensive adj. 加强的,集中的;深入细致的。例:

intensive training 强化训练

intensive reading 精读材料

energy-intensive 能源密集型的

5. intimate adj. 亲密的,密切的。例:

Each program is limited to 15 campers ensuring an intimate experience with fellow survivors.
[选自:FORBES: First Descents: Cancer Camp For Young Adults]

【派】intimacy (n.亲密,密切)

6. intellectual n. 知识分子。例:

He is a highly qualified intellectual.

intellectual powers 智力

an intellectual worker脑力劳动者

intellectual property 知识产权



7. capability n. 本领,能力;性能。例:

I felt my capability was being compromised.
At last the dynamics capability of the protecting housing is analyzed.
8. persist in v. 坚持;偏要;偏执。例:

Does he persist in saying so?
9. if needed = if it is needed,这里是一个省略了主语的条件状语从句。这种表达随处可见,例:

It said it was using these to pump back-up supplies to smaller local reservoirs if needed.
[选自:BBC: South West Water moves supplies to avoid hosepipe ban]

[While most parents do this [out of 1 love],] there are public penalties 2 [for not providing care]. What parents do, ^in other words^, is of deep concern [to 3 the state], [for the obvious reason {that caring for children is not only [morally] urgent but essential 4 [for the future of society].}] The state recognizes this [in the large body of family laws] (that govern children’ welfare 5,) yet parents receive little help [in meeting the life-changing obligations] (society imposes 6.) To classify parenting as a personal choice (for which there is no collective 7 responsibility) is not [merely] [to ignore the social benefits of good parenting]; [really], it is [to steal those benefits] [because they accrue to the whole (of society)] [as today’s children become tomorrow’s productive citizenry.] [In fact], [by some estimates 8], the value (of parental investments in children, investments of time and money (including lost wages)原), is equal to 20-30% (of gross 9 domestic 10 product). [If these investments generate huge social benefits –] ^as they clearly do^ – the benefits (of providing more social support for the family) should be that much 11 clearer.
注:1. out of prep. 从…里;离…一段距离;离开 ...;出于。例:

A group of girls dashed out of the classroom.
It’s a dishonest scheme and I’m glad to be out of it.
She married the rich man out of vanity.
2. penalty n. 处罚,惩罚。例:

death penalty 死刑

Howell was too young at the time of the crime to face the death penalty.
[选自: BBC: Mullany honeymoon murders: Sentencing adjourned]

a financial penalty 经济惩罚

penalty for 对...的处罚,惩金。例:

The penalty for speeding is a 50$fine in this city.
3. be of concern to 被关注,成为什么的关注所在。例:

The control of the house price is of concern to the government
This will be of concern to the senior Israeli command.
[选自:BBC: Where next for under-pressure Israel?]

4. essential adj. (to)必要的,必不可少的;本质的,基本的。例:

Getting enough vitamins is essential to life.
The lawyer’s essential decency makes it possible to dislike him.

5. welfare n.福利;安宁,幸福。例:

welfare work 福利事业

welfare state 福利国家

welfare benefits 福利待遇

week the people’s welfare 为人民谋幸福。例:

The parents looked out for their children’s welfare.
6. impose vt. 征(税);处以(罚款、监禁等);(on)把...强加给。文中强加之意。例:

It is inequitable to impose different rules on academies and other types of schools.
[选自:BBC: Primary schools national 'offer day' for places]

The commission proposed to impose a new tax.
The regulator has no power to impose fines.
The government impose restrictions on trade.
7. collective n. 集体,团体。例:

The collective of laid-off workers has founded a new company.
adj. 集体的,共同的。文中此意,作责任的定语,但又跟责任一起作了主语。例:

The past hard days remain in their collective memories forever.
8. estimate vt. 估计。例:

I estimate there must be 50 names in the list.
vi. 估价,估算。例:

We asked our builder to estimate for repair of the ceiling.
n. 估计,估价。文中此意,作名词。例:

He thought my estimate of her character was one-side.
The GFE form includes an estimate for title insurance, but you can shop around.
[GFE-Good Faith Estimate][选自:MSN: As housing prices drop, closing costs are rising]

9. gross adj. 总的,毛(重)的;显而易见的,粗鲁的。例:

gross income 总收入

gross annual profit 年度毛利

I can’t bear such gross kind of behavior.
n. 总额。例:

My gross income is too poor to support the family.
10. domestic adj. 家里的,家庭的;本国的;驯养的。例:

domestic appliance家用电器

domestic market国内市场

Those domestic cattle are healthy.
文中就是gross domestic product(GDP)国内生产总值

11. that much [那]么多,[那]么些。例:

Do you really have that much time to waste?
Also the hardware is not that much of an upgrade as it is with the macbook.
(New MacBook)对于MacBook来说,在硬件升级上也并没有那么多。
[选自:ENGADGET: New MacBook / MacBook Pro unboxing and first impressions]