防御武器:军事力量能否被合乎道义地使用是历史上最古老的也是最困难的道德问题之一。对我来说,希特勒和二战足以证明美国保持强大的军事力量是道德的行为。我的一些最好的朋友不同意这个观点。他们认为,目的正当并不能证明手段正当。我问一位教友派信徒的朋友,对希特勒这样的人美国应该怎么办。他说:“我不知道。但我相信我们应该找到另一种办法,而不是暴力。”这是一个理智的诚实态度,但对我没有说服力。总的来说,我觉得如果美国有考顿公司生产的火箭燃料、利顿公司的电子防御系统和卡曼公司的海军用海怪直升机,这个世界会比我们没有这些武器更好一些。Power Sources[13] Nuclear power is another issue that people feel strongly about. In the wake of Chernobyl and Three Mile Island, I can't argue that it's wrong to be concerned about the safety of nuclear plants. And yet, I believe people forget the hundreds of injuries and the massive pollution caused by oil-and coal-fueled electrical generating plants. Nuclear power, at least potentially, is a less polluting energy source than most of its competitors.[14] The green so of cutting hack on energy use strikes me as misguided. Economic opportunity and social justice are much easier to achieve in an expanding economy. And an expanding economy virtually requires abundant energy.[15] Alcohol, to some people, is the worst villain. And yet, when the nation tried to ban alcohol during prohibition, the experiment proved a failure. I can't resist adding that moderate drinkers have much lower death rates from heart attack than teetotalers.[16] There are no liquor stocks I want to own presently. But at the right price, I would own one. 动力源:核动力是另外一个引起人们强烈关注的问题。由于切尔诺贝利和三哩岛事件,我不能说考虑核电厂的安全是错误的。但是我想人们忘记了由用石油和煤作燃料的发电厂引起的成百上千种伤害和大量的污染。与其大多数竞争者相比,核动力至少从潜在能力上考虑是一种污染较小的能源。我看这种减少能源使用的“绿色”解决方法是误入歧途。经济发展的良机和社会的公正在一个正在增长的经济中实现起来要容易得多。而一个正在发展增长的经济实际上是需要丰富的能源的。对某些人来说,酒是个最坏的东西。但当国家试图禁酒时,结果总是归于失败。我忍不住要附带补充一句:适度的饮酒者比完全禁酒者心脏病死亡率要低得多。我现在还不想买什么酒类股。但一旦价位合适,我是会买一种的。