钟彬娴说:“在哪里扎根,就在哪里绽放。追随你的罗盘,而不是时钟。”她还说,从事任何职业都要具备耐心。她自己就是最好的例子。目前,钟彬娴在2010年《财富》杂志最具影响力商界女性(2010 Fortune Most Powerful Women)中排名第5位;目前,她掌管雅芳已长达12年,是《财富》500强公司中任职时间最长的女性CEO。她说:“现在的我就像个上了年纪的女掌门人,靠着自己的智慧,努力为更多的后来人铺平道路。”
Jung is on the boards of Apple Computer (APLL) and General Electric (GE), as well as Avon. And as a single mother of a daughter, 21, and a 12-year-old son, she has learned plenty about juggling work and family. "You can't, in my experience, necessarily have it all in one day," she says. "But you've got to make those choices." Now 52, she could well go and run another big global company after Avon, which had revenue of $10.9 billion last year. But she says, "I don't spend a lot of time thinking about that yet."
目前,钟彬娴是苹果电脑公司(Apple Computer)、通用电气公司(General Electric)和雅芳公司的董事会成员。她独自抚养21岁的女儿和12岁的儿子,对于如何平衡工作和家庭,钟彬娴总结出了一套经验。她说:“照我的经验来看,没必要非得在一天之内就把所有问题都解决掉,但你必须要做出选择。” 去年,雅芳的收入达到109亿美元。现年52岁的钟彬娴完全可以离开雅芳,执掌另外一家大型跨国公司,但她表示:“对于这个问题,我还没有考虑太多。”
Right now, she is focused on Avon's longevity. As part of the company's 125th anniversary celebration this year, she has traveled to 15 cities around the globe and met with some 5,000 Avon representatives at each stop. The greatest satisfaction of leading Avon, she says, is helping 6.5 million representatives—entrepreneurs in 105 countries—build businesses from the ground up. By providing the money and products for reps to get started, "we're one of the largest micro-lenders in the world today," Jung notes. "Yes, we are a beauty company, but we do more than just sell beauty."