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科技英语短文:沉湎因特网 3
[11] Her computer dream turned to nightmare when she sold up and moved to be with her cyberpal (who had just left his wife), only to be told a week later that the couple were getting back together.[12] The heart-breaking turn of events gave her the motivation to control her addiction--and write the book Caught in the Web.[13] Dr Kimberly Young, who set up The Centre for Online Addiction (www.netaddiction.com) in America, studied 396 people whom she considered were psychologically dependent on the Net. They ranged in age from 14 to 70 and spent an average of 38.5 hours a week on the Web.[14] Her study, backed by further research in Britain, found that women were more likely to become addicts. So while the old stereotypical addict was a young man who spent hours playing games, downloading software or reading messages on newsgroups, the new image is of a young woman who fritters away hours e-mailing friends, buying books and CDs online, talking in chatrooms and looking for information for next year's holiday.[15] I guess I was a typical example of someone hooked on the Internet," says Parker, who now spends just an hour a day online. "I was coming home at lunchtime to get on the computer. At 6 p.m. I'd feed my son and put him to bed but all the time I was going backwards and forwards to the computer. Then I'd stay up until 5a.m. or 6 a.m., typing away ' chatting' on my computer screen all night."
.[11]她卖光了东西,就为了搬到她的电脑伙伴(刚和他的妻子分手)那里。可一周后被告知,这对夫妇又回到了一起,她的网上梦想变成了恶梦。[12]事态的转折让她心碎,她决心控制自己的网瘾--并写了一本书,叫《沉湎万维网》。[13]金伯利·杨博士在美国建立了一个网迷中心 (www.netaddiction.com)。她对396名网迷进行了研究,认为这些人在心理上离不开因特网。被研究对象的年龄范围在14--70岁之间,他们平均每周上网38.5小时。[14]金伯利的研究成果表明,妇女更可能上网成瘾,在英国所做的进一步研究可以证实这一点。早先的电脑迷是年轻男性,他们把时间花在玩游戏、下载软件或阅读新闻组信息;新的景象是年轻女性成了电脑迷--她们不惜耗费很多时间给朋友发电子邮件、上网选购书籍或音乐光盘、在聊天室与网友聊天,以及查找来年外出度假的有关信息。[15]“我想我一度是‘网上瘾君子’的典型例子,”帕克说,现在她每天只上网1小时,“那时我每天午饭时间回家,打开电脑上网。下午6时我给儿子喂吃的,安排他睡觉,但此间我经常回到电脑那儿。随后,我会在网上呆到清晨5点或6点,不停地敲打键盘与别人通宵达旦‘聊天’。”
.[11]她卖光了东西,就为了搬到她的电脑伙伴(刚和他的妻子分手)那里。可一周后被告知,这对夫妇又回到了一起,她的网上梦想变成了恶梦。[12]事态的转折让她心碎,她决心控制自己的网瘾--并写了一本书,叫《沉湎万维网》。[13]金伯利·杨博士在美国建立了一个网迷中心 (www.netaddiction.com)。她对396名网迷进行了研究,认为这些人在心理上离不开因特网。被研究对象的年龄范围在14--70岁之间,他们平均每周上网38.5小时。[14]金伯利的研究成果表明,妇女更可能上网成瘾,在英国所做的进一步研究可以证实这一点。早先的电脑迷是年轻男性,他们把时间花在玩游戏、下载软件或阅读新闻组信息;新的景象是年轻女性成了电脑迷--她们不惜耗费很多时间给朋友发电子邮件、上网选购书籍或音乐光盘、在聊天室与网友聊天,以及查找来年外出度假的有关信息。[15]“我想我一度是‘网上瘾君子’的典型例子,”帕克说,现在她每天只上网1小时,“那时我每天午饭时间回家,打开电脑上网。下午6时我给儿子喂吃的,安排他睡觉,但此间我经常回到电脑那儿。随后,我会在网上呆到清晨5点或6点,不停地敲打键盘与别人通宵达旦‘聊天’。”
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