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  B: When did you get involved with this? (这是什么时候开始的?)

  B: Not long, just a year. (时间不长,一年而已。)

  N: You never told me that. (你从没有告诉我这些。)

  B: Well, I never think this is going to happen.

  N: But it did.

  B: Yes.

  N: Did she love you?

  B: I guess so.

  N: Then why did she go home? Will she be back later? (她还会回来么?)

  B: I was thinking about that these days too. (这几天我也在考虑这个事情。)

  N: How did this all start?

  B: It was the summer of 2001.

  N: That's time we met too. (我们也是那个时候认识的。)

  B: Exactly, I can still hear her voice in my ears. (我仿佛还能听到她在我耳边细语。)

  N: Is it an online or sth? (也是网上和她认识的么?)

  B: U could say so.

  N: How is that?

  B: This is my first online love back in April a year ago. We talked for a couple months and were getting to know each other really well.

  N: She was beautiful?

  B: Pretty beautiful, and long black hair. (很漂亮,长长的黑头发。)

  N: Could I see her pic?

  B: OK, it was in another computer, wait a minute.

  N: OK.

  B: I sent it out. (我发给你了。)

  N: OK.

  N: I saw her. She was a pretty girl.