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英语小说:爱要怎么说出口 6
"Don't know. Maybe it's too remote."“不知道,或许这里太偏远了吧。”The desire to punish her had gone. But he daren't touch her. He daren't break the enchantment.渐渐地,想惩罚她的欲望消失了,但他不敢触摸她,不敢轻易打破这令人着迷的时刻。"The heat in the day. The cool evenings. It would be good to live like that."“白天热,夜里凉。住在这种地方会很不错的。”"Live here?"“住在这里?”"Could we ever get permission?"“我们会被允许吗?”"I don't know."“我不知道。”"Just to see what it was like. I mean--"She half sat up."Can we get inside?"She ran a finger gently down his peeling cheek.“先看看这里怎么样,我是说——” 她半坐了起来。“我们能进去吗?”她将一根手指轻轻地放在他脱皮的脸颊上。
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