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  据摩托罗拉一位官员称,当前世界第二号手机生产商摩托罗拉将通过推出新系列产品,欲明年再次从芬兰诺基亚手中夺回手机市场第一的位置。   公司负责欧洲、中东和非洲的市场营销和销售负责人Allen Burnes称,公司现已有市场细分的所有类型产品。今年公司已极大地巩固了市场第二的位置。在未来数年内,公司超过诺基亚返回世界第一位置,并领导市场已是非常实际的看法。公司针对诺基亚在周一介绍了今年下半年要推出的七种新型手机产品,而后者今年产品在市场缺乏新鲜感。

  诺基亚是1998年超过摩托罗拉成为世界头号手机生产商,截止今年仍远超对手,一度曾达占全球手机市场近40%的份额。但研究机构Strategy Analytics周五公布的数据显示,公司二季度在全球市场份额已从上年同期的36%滑落到28.9%。

  Global No. 2 handset maker Motorola will regain the top spot globally from Finland's Nokia in the coming years, helped by a raft of new phone launches, an official was quoted as saying on Friday.
"We now have new phone models for every segment in all markets," Allen Burnes, Motorola's marketing and sales head for Europe, the Middle East and Africa, was quoted as saying in Finnish business daily Kauppalehti.

  "Already this year we are significantly strengthening our number two position in the market. It is fully realistic that we will pass Nokia and return to the market leader spot in just a few years," he said.

  Motorola on Monday unveiled seven new handsets due out in the second half of the year, taking aim at Nokia  , which has struggled in 2004 with a patchy phone portfolio lacking in camera and fold-away models.

  Nokia passed Motorola in 1998 to become the world's largest mobile phone maker, and until this year maintained a huge lead over its rivals, at one point coming close to taking a 40 percent global market share.

  Data released by research group Strategy Analytics on Friday showed Nokia's global share slid to 28.9 percent in the second quarter from 36 percent a year ago, although on a quarterly basis its market share loss stabilised.

  Motorola raised its share to 15.4 percent from 13.9 percent a year ago, although Korea's Samsung Electronics  remains hot on the U.S. company's heels.

  In a bid to halt its market share loss, Nokia has sacrificed profitability by slashing prices on selected phone models, and Burnes said Motorola was feeling the effects.

  "One has to admit that Nokia's aggressive discount tactics do not help us," he said.

  "It's a question of Nokia fighting for its life. Nokia had to take the discount path with its product portfolio. We saw this coming in good time," Burnes said.