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  一项由美国哈佛商学院及北卡罗莱纳大学研究人员4月6日公布的研究结果显示,互联网上的P2P音乐共享活动并没有伤及新的音乐CD销售,这一结果与一些音乐公司担心的情况形成了对比。   研究人员表示:“音乐下载对于音乐CD的销售产生的影响几乎为零。”研究人员还指出,他们的结论与“所谓文件共享是导致最近音乐销售减少的主要原因的说法并不一致”。


  NEW YORK - Peer-to-peer  sharing of music files over the Internet does not hurt new music sales, contrary to what some music companies fear, a new study shows.

  "Downloads have an effect on sales which is statistically indistinguishable from zero, despite rather precise estimates," authors Felix Oberholtzer of the Harvard Business School and Koleman Strumpf of the University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill wrote Tuesday.

  Oberholtzer and Strumpf added that their conclusions "are inconsistent with claims that file sharing is the primary reason for the recent decline in music sales."

  The recording industry has argued filesharing was behind a 10 percent slump in 2003 sales.