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  任何支付20万美元的人可够入2股全球第二富人巴菲特(Warren Buffett)执掌公司Berkshire Hathaway的股票,或与他共进午餐。   巴菲特将自己挂在了eBay上进行拍卖,以帮助一家称之为滑翔基金会(Glide Foundation)。如有人最终赢得拍卖,除了不透露他(她)的姓名外,还将有机会邀请7位自己的朋友与巴菲特共进午餐。今年202,100美元的价格低于去年纽约一家投资公司与巴菲特共进午餐所支付250,000美元。巴菲特自2000年起开始向滑翔基金会捐赠共进午餐所得。该基金会是向旧金山地区穷人、饥饿者和无家可归者提供帮助的慈善机构。

  富布斯杂志(Forbes)估计巴菲特财富价值429亿美元。周四,Berkshire Hathaway公司的A股价在纽交所交易为每股90,300美元。

  NEW YORK (Reuters)--For about $200,000, you can buy two shares of Berkshire Hathaway's stock (BRKA), or you can have lunch with its chairman--Warren Buffett.

  Buffett, who is the world's second richest person, put himself up for auction on eBay to help the Glide Foundation. The winning bidder, whose name was not disclosed, will be able to invite seven friends to have lunch with Buffett.

  This year's price, $202,100, was lower than the $250,100 that a New York investment firm paid for the lunch last year.

  Since 2000, Buffett has donated lunches to the Glide Foundation, a charity that offers programs to the poor, hungry and homeless in San Francisco.

  "Here is the chance of a lifetime to pick the brain of the one-and-only Warren Buffett," read the description of the item on eBay.

  Buffett, known as the "Oracle of Omaha" because of his prescient investment decisions and his hometown, has a fortune estimated by Forbes magazine at $42.9 billion.

  Bidding on the item ended Thursday night San Francisco time.

  Steakhouse Smith & Wollensky has agreed to host the lunch.

  Berkshire's Class A shares closed at $90,300 in Thursday trading on the New York Stock Exchange.