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Bin Laden Aide Vows To Continue U.S. Fight


In a videotape that aired Monday, Osama bin Laden's right-hand man pledged to continue fighting the United States until it changes its policies regarding Muslims. Ayman al-Zawahiri, in tape broadcast by the Arabic-language Al-Jazeera television network, said there are two ways to deal with Muslims -- "either with respect, or as if our lives and property are available for you to invade." He said he was offering advice that he expected American people to ignore. The tape's contents suggested al-Zawahiri recorded the message before the November 2 election in which President Bush defeated Sen. John Kerry. "You can elect Bush, Kerry or Satan himself, it doesn't matter to us," he said. "What's important to us is the U.S. policies toward Muslims." Al-Zawahiri said the United States was "playing the game of elections" along with Afghanistan and Iraq. Both U.S. candidates, he said, were fighting over "the acceptance of Israel. This proves there is no reasoning with America, but to force them to accept our position by force." CIA officials were analyzing the tape to assess its authenticity, a spokesman said. Al-Jazeera broadcast only parts of the tape but provided a summary of the other segments. According to that synopsis, al-Zawahiri castigated Egypt for its human rights record and Saudi Arabia for providing staging areas for foreign planes to launch attacks against Muslims. In addition, al-Zawahiri criticized Pakistani President Pervez Musharraf for his acceptance of Israel as demonstrated in a September speech to the U.N. General Assembly. He likewise rebuked Musharraf for helping foreigners kill Muslims and for continuing in the role of army chief.