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New Gold Rush Eludes Olympic Champions


They may be Olympic gold medalists, but like thousands of mainland tourists they went shopping for gold jewelry in Hong Kong on Monday. In the end, however, they left empty-handed, a media frenzy hampering their efforts to choose their pieces. Tian Liang and Guo Jingjing, China's diving prince and princess, went looking for gold immediately after their arrival. The pair was also accompanied on their shopping tour by Luo Xuejuan, who won the women's 100m breaststroke. However, because they only had a short amount of time, the three gold medalists were unable to pick out anything while they were mobbed by the media. To compensate, the shop gave them each a diamond pendant . Hua Jia and Yang Jinghui, who also won diving golds, had more success with their shopping by not attending a press conference. Hu chose a jade bracelet for his mother, while Yang bought some digital products from an electronics store.