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Issue: Gray hair 白发
The unavoidable truth is that gray hair is genetic, and aside from coloring, you're stuck with it. Most people only have a handful of hair cycles (remember, a cycle is 6 - 8 years) where the pigment-producing cells that surround the follicle and transfer pigment are working at their best. The process just gets . . . tired. Dr. Mirmirani can't confirm the old wives' tales that tell you if you yank one gray hair, five more will sprout up. However, once a fiber is gray--even if you pluck it--it will more than likely grow back in gray again.
你应该坚信,除了染色外,白发是遗传的,这是不可避免的事实。大多数人的头发周期不长(记住,一个周期是6 -8年),此时色素细胞包围毛囊,色素的产生处于最佳状态。然后过程变得......疲劳。马诺莫尼医生不能确认老妇人讲的如果你拔一根白发,五根将会长出来的传言。然而,一旦头发纤维变白,即使你拔掉头发,长出来的很可能还是白头发。