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Economist精读文章 Tata Nano


THE world’s cheapest car, the Tata Nano—launched this week in Mumbai in a burst of flashbulbs and national pride—has turned the spotlight once again on the developing world’s emerging multinationals. From ArcelorMittal in steel to ZTE in telecoms, ambitious companies from India, China and other developing nations have marched onto the global stage in recent years, spooking the rich world’s established multinationals with innovative products and bold acquisitions. The Nano is a symbol of the ambition of these emerging giants.


But much has changed since Tata Motors first took the wraps off the tiny car in January 2008. The financial crisis, collapsing stockmarkets and plunging commodity prices have hit companies in rich and poor countries alike. Tata Motors, which bought Jaguar Land Rover, a British premium carmaker, from Ford last year for $2.3 billion, now faces the difficulty of refinancing its debt, and was downgraded this week by Standard & Poor’s (see article). Does this mean that the threat to established giants from emerging-market giants has receded?

Far from it. The crisis has strengthened the relative position of the emerging giants, for several reasons. First, as companies and consumers around the world cut costs and trade down, the emerging giants’ low-cost production models, based on cheap local labour, provide even more of an advantage. Second, even though growth in developing countries has slowed, it has not vanished altogether, so the emerging giants can fall back on their domestic markets. Car sales have collapsed in the rich world, for example, but are still growing in many developing countries: they are expected to increase by 10% this year in China, for instance.

Third, many rich-country multinationals have become much more inward-looking as they struggle to cope with the recession, and are less able to invest to defend their market positions, providing opportunities for disruptive new entrants. Again, a good example is that of carmaking, where the convulsions of the established giants, and the switch to greener technologies, give newcomers an opening. Ratan Tata, the boss of the Tata Group, spoke this week of his ambitions to sell the Nano not just in Europe, starting in 2011, but eventually in America, too. The electric car made by BYD, a Chinese battery-maker that branched into carmaking a few years ago, was the talk of the Detroit motor show in January.

Furthermore, many cash-strapped multinationals in the rich world are now trying to sell bits of themselves to raise capital, giving buyers in the developing world a chance to pick up technology, brands and other assets, says Harold Sirkin of the Boston Consulting Group, whose book “Globality” charts the rise of the emerging giants. Two Chinese carmakers, Chery and Geely, are interested in buying Volvo from Ford. Mahindra & Mahindra, an Indian maker of utility vehicles, is in the running to buy LDV, an ailing British truckmaker; there is also talk of a possible Chinese bid. Vale, Brazil’s mining giant, recently picked up a clutch of assets from Rio Tinto, its debt-laden Anglo-Australian rival. And ZTE, a fast-growing Chinese telecoms-equipment company with customers in over 60 countries, has been mooted as a possible buyer of the handset division of Motorola, the ailing American firm that ZTE is on the verge of evicting from the industry’s top five.
再者,《全球性》一书(记录了新兴大企业崛起的轨迹)的作者、波士顿咨询公司的哈罗德.塞金说,发达国家许多银根紧缺的跨国公司为了筹措资金,现正想方设法卖出自己的一些股份,这就给了发展中国家买家一个获得现成技术、品牌及其它资产的机会。奇瑞和吉利这两家中国汽车制造商就对从福特手上收购沃尔沃饶有兴趣。生产多用途汽车的印度制造商马欣德拉(Mahindra & Mahindra)很有可能买下病入膏肓的英国卡车制造商LDV;有人说中国企业也有可能参与竞购。巴西矿业巨擘Vale最近拿下了澳大利亚力拓公司的一部分资产。总部设在英国的力拓公司是Vale的对手,如今已负债累累。此外,还有中兴公司,这家发展迅速的中国通信设备公司的消费者已经遍布60多个国家,据猜测它很有可能成为摩托罗拉手机业务的买家。这家陷入困境的美国公司即将被中兴公司挤出该产业的前五强。

They’re behind you

There are, of course, weak points among emerging-market giants. Some, including Tata Motors, overextended themselves when commodity prices were high and credit was easy to come by. Mexico’s Cemex, the world’s third-largest cement firm, is selling assets around the world as it struggles to meet its debt repayments. ArcelorMittal, the world’s biggest steelmaker, which grew into a global giant from its roots in Indonesia, Trinidad and Mexico, launched a $1.5 billion convertible-bond issue this week to refinance some of its debt. But plenty of rich-world multinationals made the same mistakes and face similar problems, or worse.

The emerging giants of the developing world are still a rising force during the good times. The launch of the Nano serves to remind rich-world bosses that they still need to keep an eye on their rear-view mirrors.