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There are worse ways to spend time as a hostage than being locked in the headquarters of one of France's best-known champagne houses.

Back in the summer of 1993, the boss of Moët & Chandon was trapped in his Epernay offices overnight with only a fridge full of bubbly for company. Meanwhile, workers barricaded themselves in the cellars and cracked open a few of the 95m bottles laid down in the dusty warren of tunnels to protest against the group's plan to commemorate its 250th anniversary with 250 job cuts.
1993年的夏天,酩悦香槟(Moët & Chandon)的老板被困在他位于埃佩尔奈的办公室中整整一个晚上,陪伴他的只有满满一冰箱的香槟。与此同时,员工们把自己关在酒窖里,将布满灰尘的地道迷宫里贮藏的9500万瓶香槟酒打碎了不少,以此抗议该集团用裁员250人来庆祝其成立250周年的计划。

Bossnapping is nothing new in France, almost as much a part of the culture as baguettes and brie. But in recent months, the economic crisis and rising tide of factory closures and restructurings have prompted an unusually high rate of corporate hold-ups. At least 10 companies over the past two months have had managers held hostage, while many more have had factories occupied.

Though most have been peaceful, and no hostage has come to serious harm, few experiences have been as amiable as that champagne-fuelled evening at Epernay. Two managers at the French factory of Molex, the US connectors group, were jostled and bruised as they walked away from their 26-hour ordeal last month (and another Molex manager received death threats in the post). Only last week, 74 energy workers were arrested after extensive damage was done to the Paris offices of power services groups ErDF and GrDF during a protest over pay.
尽管多数事件都和平解决,也没有人质受重伤,但像埃佩尔奈那个香槟四溢的夜晚那样友好的很少。上个月,在美国连接器制造商莫仕集团(Molex)的法国工厂,当两名管理人员从长达26小时的磨难中脱身时,仍然被推搡得浑身瘀伤(还有一名经理在邮件中收到了死亡威胁)。仅在十几天前,就有74名电力工人被捕 ——他们在一次因薪资问题而举行的抗议中,对法国电力服务集团ErDF及GrDF位于巴黎的办事处造成了大面积破坏。