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经济危机中 英国的百万富翁少了一半


Suddenly everyone is talking about disappearing millionaires.

Tuesday there was The Wall Street Journal talking about the vanishing Maryland millionaires. Now comes word that Britain has lost about half its millionaires.

The reason isn't emigration or tax revolts. It is personal finances.

As I have been writing for the past year, the rich have been hammered by this crisis, largely because of the plunge in the value of their investments and real estate. As a result, the millionaire population (especially the lower end) is taking a dive.

Early estimates say the millionaire population in the U.S. fell 30% last year. Now, it seems Britain's millionaire population has fallen an astounding 50%.

The number, from the Centre for Economics and Business Research, is surprising for several reasons. Britain's Rich Listers lost about 38% of their wealth. And I would have expected America's millionaires to have done just as poorly as Britain's have - if not worse, given that the U.S. is the epicenter of the financial crisis.
这项由经济暨商业研究中心(Centre for Economics and Business Research)公布的数据令人吃惊的原因有几个。英国富人损失了约38%的资产。鉴于美国是金融危机的重灾区,我本来预计美国的百万富翁境况会和英国的一样糟,甚至更遭。

Charles Davis, an economist at CEBR, gave me two reasons for why the U.K. is losing more millionaires than the U.S. First is the issue of timeframe. The CEBR data are for total millionaires lost from 2007 through May 2009. The U.S. data, showing the 30% loss, cover just 2008. So, 2009 is likely to show more losses in the U.S.
该中心经济学家戴维斯(Charles Davis)向我说了两个原因,解释英国消失的百万富翁为什么比美国多。首先是统计时间的问题。经济暨商业研究中心的数据包括2007年至2009年5月期间消失的百万富翁总数。而美国的显示百万富翁减少30%的数据却只是2008年的。所以,2009年的数据很可能会显示美国损失了更多的百万富翁。

The second reason is that more British millionaires owed their newfound fortunes to real estate. British millionaires had about 42% of their assets in real estate in 2007, according to CEBR. That compares with about 25% for American millionaires, according to the Federal Reserve.

Property prices have fallen about 20% from the peak in the U.K., thus stripping many newfound millionaires of their millionaire status.

'In the U.K., quite a lot of people drifted into that millionaire band inadvertently based on property prices,' Mr. Davis says.

Now, they have inadvertently drifted out.

Do you think the ranks of U.S. millionaires will also fall 50% by year end?