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Archimedes had his eureka moment in the bath. I have mine in the shower.

When I take a shower, I compile mental to-do lists, compose paragraphs to pieces I'm working on and work through thorny problems that have been nagging me all day. There's something about the solitude, the sound and feel of the water and the fragrant lather of the shampoo and soap that help my mind achieve clarity.

Last week, my colleague Robert Lee Hotz wrote a 'Science Journal' column about how our brains achieve insight and 'a-ha' moments. Apparently, letting our minds wander and daydream helps us achieve mental breakthroughs; our brains may be most actively engaged when our minds are wandering and we've actually lost track of our thoughts, a new brain-scanning study suggests. (This burst of mental clarity can be so powerful, Mr. Hotz writes, that, as legend would have it, Archimedes jumped out of his tub and ran naked through the streets, shouting to his startled neighbors: 'Eureka! I've got it.')
最近,我的同事霍兹(Robert Lee Hotz)撰写了一篇关于人类大脑如何获得洞察力和灵感的专栏文章。显然,任由思绪游走和做白日梦可以让我们实现智力上的突破。一项新的大脑扫描研究显示,当我们的思绪游走、实际上不知道自己在想些什么的时候,可能正是我们的大脑思维最活跃的时候。(霍兹写道,这霎那间的头脑清醒可能非常强大,正如传说的那样,阿基米德跳出浴缸,在大街上裸奔,冲着目瞪口呆的街坊邻里大叫:“我找到了!我找到了!”)