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5. The Connaught, London
Sleep on the hotel's own signature Maybourne Deluxe barrel-shaped pocket spring mattress, with a poly-fibre pillow top, own brand 50/50 feather and down pillows and lovely Rivolta Carmignani 300 thread count cotton sheets. The window shades block out light completely and just add private butler and Asprey Purple Water toiletries for absolute luxury.

5, The Connaught酒店,伦敦
该酒店提供标志性的独立筒弹簧床垫,枕头含50%羽毛和50%羽绒,床单是Rivolta Carmignani家的。百叶窗可完全遮阳,私人服务生及艾斯瑞(Asprey)的紫水(Purple Water)洗漱用品让你尽享奢华。

6. Park Hyatt, Sydney
Lie on an oversized Sealy Hyatt Grand Pillow Top king with 50 percent down and 50 percent feather pillows, snuggling under a cosy down and feather duvet and Australian 'Royal Collection' 300 thread count linens. Wake to a view of the iconic Sydney Opera House and the dazzling harbour.

酒店采用Sealy公司为其生产的超大型床垫,枕头含50%羽毛和50%羽绒,你可以躺在澳大利亚品牌Royal Collection的亚麻床单上,盖着舒适的羽绒/羽毛被,尽情享受,醒来后可以看到标志性的悉尼歌剧院与令人眼花缭乱的海港。

7. JIA, Shanghai
The bed is Sealy Hotel Luxury Pillow Top, the linen 300 count, the pillows a choice of soft or firm feather and down or hypo allergenic and the duvets 80 percent down, but what makes JIA Shanghai really sleepworthy are extras such as eye shades, ear plugs, aromatherapy oils and even electronic lullaby tunes. If you're in a suite, you can even have a crackling fire DVD.

酒店用的是Sealy生产的高档床垫,亚麻床单,枕头也有很多选择,含80%羽绒的被子。不过客房里的眼罩、耳塞、精油及电子催眠曲才是真正让JIA Shanghai一睡值千金的地方。(完)