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"Do you want to get a vaccination or not?" That's the sort of question that Su Zishun and his dorm-mates chat about before going to sleep. They got a notice about the A(H1N1) influenza vaccine.

Su, a junior in digital media at Qingdao University, volunteered to work for the 11th National Games in Shandong. He and 377 other students were among the first to make the decision about getting vaccinated.

"I didn't want to try it, since the tests aren't complete," he said. "I'm still not sure whether I need to be vaccinated."

There's a certain amount of ambivalence among students, even though government officials have repeatedly said that the vaccine is safe.

Kids and the elderly are in the first group to receive the vaccine, which is totally voluntary and free to the public in China.

Some 13,000 volunteers, across all age brackets, in seven provinces, have taken part in A(H1N1) vaccine tests. They got their first shot to test the vaccine about two months ago, and, after 21 days, more than 85 percent showed an immunity to this novel flu strain. "The results have shown that the Chinese vaccine is effective," said Zhao Kai, head of the team of A(H1N1) flu vaccine scientists.

However, some experts have doubts about the testing. "Before promoting a certain vaccine, we need sufficient clinical trials, and a period of clinical observation--from half a year to a year," said Li Guoguang, an epidemiologist at Huazhong Science and Technology University's Tongji Medical College.

But the country can't wait. China faces a serious challenge with the number of A(H1N1) infections. Liang Wannian, a deputy director of the Health Ministry's emergency services office, told a press conference last month that the A(H1N1) flu pandemic could hit tens of millions of people in China this coming winter.

Some students, however, think the media are raising the threat level to get more viewers. "It's just a commercial thing. I'm not sure they have our interests in mind," said Bu Chunmei, a sophomore in North China Electric Power University. National Business Daily says the A(H1N1) vaccine business will be worth 3 billion yuan by the end of the year. So far, only 11 Chinese pharmaceutical companies are licensed to produce it.

Ma Dong, 18, Bu's classmate, got the inoculation last month, along with some 39,000 Beijing residents. "It not only protects me, but the people around me," said Ma. "Chen Zhu, the health minister, got the first shot, so I trust the vaccine."

However, more than 150 cases of adverse reactions have been reported nationwide during the mass vaccination program. Chinese authorities say that this could have been caused by many factors, such as the state of the person's health or physiology or existing conditions. But it "had nothing to do with the quality of the vaccine."

Yet, as the vaccine is distributed in more cities, more students need to make a decision.

"The pilot project and public distribution can be totally different. It was basically safe under test conditions, but it's hard to say if it's suitable for everyone," said Huang Jianshi, a disease control expert at Peking Union Medical College Hospital.

"Vaccine tests are different from chemical experiments," Huang said. "Each person should make the decision based on their own physical condition."