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On Tuesday, police in northern China shot and killed one escaped inmate and captured three others who staged a dramatic prison escape over the weekend, leading to a massive manhunt to capture them.

The escapees, who killed one police officer and assaulted others during their escape Saturday were apprehended by police Tuesday morning in Helin county, near the Inner Mongolia regional capital of Hohot, the official Xinhua news agency said in a brief report, adding that one police officer was injured during the operation.

China launched an enormous manhunt, involving more than 6,000 armed police and security officers, in northern China following Saturday's deadly prison escape by four inmates. The search was ordered by Zhou Yongkang, the country's top law and order official and member of the powerful Politburo Standing Committee, underscoring the seriousness of the public and sensational crime.

The official Xinhua news agency reported that four inmates escaped from Hohot's No. 2 Prison after assaulting several police officers inside the prison. They tied up one officer and stole his uniform, killed another officer, and stabbed two others on their way out. The four then hailed a taxi, pulled the driver out and robbed her before fleeing in the stolen taxi, Xinhua said. When they ran out of gas, they carjacked another cab.

Two of the four prisoners Li Hongbin, 21, and Qiao Haiqiang, 28, were serving life sentences for robbery, while two others, Dong Jiaji and Gao Bo, both 27, had been sentenced to death with a two-year reprieve for robbery and manslaughter, respectively. Xinhua did not immediately report which of the four was killed by police Tuesday.